Your thoughts may be scattered in all directions today, and you may find that you have trouble concentrating on even the most serious matters. Though you may want desperately to fix your attention on the tasks before you, your focus is likely being pulled in all directions by a variety of concerns, worries, feelings, and daydreams. You can ease these feelings of distraction and regain your ability to concentrate your intellectual and emotional energy on a single focal point today by grounding yourself in the moment. You may find relief in meditative practices that help you eliminate distractions or spoken affirmations that remind you how important your day's duties are to your ongoing wellbeing.

Living in the moment allows us to concentrate on that which is unfolding all around us, rather than on stray thoughts of incidents and events that have yet to occur. Our focus becomes finely honed, unaffected as it is by worry or other distractions, and we have little trouble keeping our attention fixed firmly on the task or issue at hand. Whereas once we might have felt directionless, we can now point decisively in the direction we are headed. This attentive awareness empowers us to shape our lives as we see fit, unaffected by our fears and insecurities. Everything we do in the course of our personal and professional lives has a purpose and is designed to add a new level of richness to our experience. You will feel more alert than ever today when you make a conscious effort to exist in the moment.