You may be surprised by your own generosity today as you allow your loved ones unprecedented access to your resources. You may be in an unselfish and giving mood, and thus apt to seek out opportunities to do whatever is in your power to improve the lives of the people you care about. Should one of your loved ones approach you and request your time, energy, or skills, you will likely joyfully accept the chance to be there for them. Your generosity can strengthen the connection you share with the people you care about and help you relate more intimately with casual friends and acquaintances. The selflessness you exhibit today by giving without asking anything in return can impress your loved ones and inspire them to similar generosity.

Because every healthy relationship is rooted in interdependence, approaching the process of giving in an unselfish way can reinforce the bonds you share with your loved ones. The gifts you give to your friends and family--whether literal of figurative--demonstrate your willingness to become a partial steward of their well-being. When your purely altruistic generosity is part of a larger, shared network of give and take, your giving spirit will have a place where it can thrive. Even during those periods in which self-sacrifice is called for and the dynamic in your relationships has been thrown off-kilter, you'll feel the intimacy you share with your loved ones increase each time you give. As you give selflessly of yourself and your resources today, your relationships will flourish.