Feelings of anxiety may plague you today if you feel burdened by your many duties. Because you are likely under immense pressure to accept new obligations and to quickly complete those you've already taken on, you may feel nervous, irritable, and tense. This stress can keep you from focusing on your responsibilities and take the pleasure out of your accomplishments. You can relieve most of the tension you experience, however, by simply taking regular breaks throughout your day. Enjoying a few moments of quiet time, playing a short game, or reading a chapter of a novel that captivates you can take your mind off of your worries and refresh you. You may find that you can think more clearly today and focus more wholeheartedly on your duties after a short rest.

Allowing yourself time to enjoy restful, peaceful pursuits between responsibilities, even during busy periods in your life, can help you avoid becoming stressed by the pressures you face. Often, we feel compelled to complete all of our work before we feel comfortable to give ourselves permission to play. But spending a few precious moments before and after you devote yourself to the fulfillment of your obligations can make you feel calmer and more focused. You won't be distracted by anxious thoughts or lingering worries because both will melt away as you relax into a break period. Each break will provide a brief but needed opportunity to release your stress. When you take frequent breaks today, you'll be able to attend to your many obligations without bowing under pressure.