Your many obligations, both personal and professional, could become a source of tension today. You may feel anxious as material concerns weigh on your mind and distract you from what is going on around you. Your loved ones may become concerned if you end up spending more time focusing on those aspects of your life you perceive as negative. You may be able to easily lift your spirits and reconnect with the people you care for by reminding yourself of your internal worth. A few positive affirmations, spoken in a mirror or written down today, can help you feel capable of facing any challenge with grace.

Peaceful affirmations can be a wonderful way of eliminating the stress that can result from harboring self-defeating thoughts. Since it's very easy to subject one's self to a tension-building barrage of daily pessimistic self-talk, it's important to counteract such negative patterns of thinking with quieter, more calming thoughts. Reminding yourself of your many positive qualities can quell feelings of anxiety and help you remember your potential. Such affirmations allow you to transform your self-defeating thoughts into thoughts that give you a sense of peace and comfort. Your tension level will decrease, and your sense of self-worth will be reinforced. A small reminder of your many positive attributes may be all you need today to quell your anxiety.