You may be attuned to the spirit of cooperation today as you interact with people in your home and in your workplace. Since you may be more open to compromise than usual, you could discover that you take on shared tasks eagerly and joyfully. A desire to pool your ideas with others can prompt you to seek out opportunities to work hand-in-hand with colleagues, loved ones, or peers. Once you have attained this type of meeting of the minds, you'll likely approach the inevitable conflict resolution in an accommodating way. Though you may have individual goals you hope to accomplish, you may find yourself focusing on the goal you share with your partners. Consider, today, that the notions dreamed up by two or more minds is often more profound than that conceived of by a single one.

The ability to compromise lies at the heart of nearly every successful shared endeavor. Though we may be dedicated to working closely with others, our natural tendency to focus on our own needs and desires can interfere with our efforts. When you are quick to compromise during those instances in which you and an associate have divergent ideas, the synergy that flows between you will not be diluted by conflict. You'll cooperate with others easily as you focus on the larger picture of the goals you hope to achieve rather than on petty details. Together, you and your associates will concentrate on finding solutions and drafting plans that everyone can agree upon. The projects you tackle with others today will meet success when you are willing to compromise.