When we live authentically, we're practicing the power of vulnerability, letting go of who we think we should be and embracing who we truly are imperfections and all.

Dear Friends,

Today I bring you a Q&A about our new course, How to Catch a Liar. Yes, I know the title is a bit provocative, but there is deep information here beyond the title. The topic of lying has always been fascinating to me--from little white lies to damaging toxic lies. In this new course we uncover why people lie in the first place and dive into the question, "What if the liar is us?" Read on for more information.

Question: Tell me what this course is about and how students will benefit.

Answer: We're living in a time where there's a sense that lying is becoming widespread--from our news to our social media to our work and home environments. How do we navigate these landscapes? Who do we trust? How can we turn the tide and become stewards of integrity? On a spiritual level, tools are provided in this course to teach effective ways of cultivating honesty and integrity in one's self and in relationships. We invite students to grow and transform themselves and, ultimately, live a more authentic life. On a practical level, this course answers soul-searching questions by giving students information and tools to examine the nature of lying, how to identify dishonesty in our everyday lives, and how to skillfully deal with those situations. Specific lessons include tools on how to identify the verbal and nonverbal cues that let you know when someone is lying to you, strategies on how to handle dishonesty at work and at home, how to forgive a liar, and deciding when it's time to break up with a toxic liar.

Q: Why do people tell lies in the first place?

A: The reasons why people tell lies are complex. We each have a personal story of why we feel the need to lie and what lying and honesty mean to us. It's a story comprised of our past experiences, upbringing, education, and value system. This course examines several motives for lying, two of which are avoidance and control. Lies rooted in avoidance have to do with situations we want to get out of, usually because of fear of being vulnerable or feelings of unworthiness. For example, we might lie to avoid intimacy because we're afraid of being rejected and hurt. Lies rooted in control have to do with manipulating or exploiting a situation, such as spreading a false rumor in order to defame someone who threatens you emotionally.

Q: How do we deal with somebody in our life who is a habitual or toxic liar?

A: Like many addicts, a habitual liar is caught in a chronic pattern of toxic behavior. Since they lie impulsively, effortlessly, and consistently, it can be difficult to tell fact from fiction when interacting with them. The danger of this type of liar is that the lies are often believable and can continue for an extensive period of time, causing harm to all involved. When you're dealing with a habitual or toxic liar, it's time to take a deep, honest look at yourself and your relationship with that person. Ask yourself these kinds of questions: "Is the toxicity of the lies eroding my happiness?" "Am I experiencing feelings of despair or even fear of the other person?" If your well-being is at risk, then it's crucial to take action and break from the relationship.

Q: Sometimes the person telling lies is us. How can we shift this?

A: The shift happens with self-reflection and self-awareness. This means being mindful of our actions and words, as well as freeing ourselves from old habits that rely on lies rather than honesty. It also means accepting who we are and forgiving ourselves for past mistakes. Being compassionate and honest with ourselves will naturally encourage us to extend those qualities to others. An effective tool is sitting quietly and meditating on questions like: "How would my relationships change if I choose to stop lying and be honest?" "What am I afraid will happen if I am authentic?" Another powerful tool is to set an intention to be authentic and affirming it daily. Doing this will help you strengthen your commitment to personal integrity and invite the universe to support you. It's also important to remember that the person we most often tell lies to is ourselves. This is known as self-deception. When we self-deceive, we lie to ourselves by masking our true feelings and thoughts. The fear of being seen as flawed might be so terrifying that the only recourse seems to be to hide who we are and live behind a mask built on dishonesty, both internally and externally. Habitual self-deception is corrosive to one's self-worth and integrity, and in its extreme form, it can become highly destructive. The antidote for self-deception is self-love.

Q: Why is it so important for people to live an authentic life from a place of vulnerability?

A: Vulnerability is the courage to live from the heart, and it's the key to our ability to be compassionate and accept others as well as ourselves. When we live authentically, we're practicing the power of vulnerability, letting go of who we think we should be and embracing who we truly are imperfections and all. And when we do, it's so liberating! We free ourselves from whatever holds us back, like fear or shame or a toxic relationship. We open ourselves to new possibilities, growth, and living with purpose. The process of becoming authentic is a transformative journey. Cultivating honesty and trust are the stepping-stones to that radical shift and sow the seeds for a fulfilling life and healthy, meaningful relationships.

Q: How will students be transformed after completing this course?

A: After completing this course, students will have learned the valuable life skills of how to identify and deal with a liar and what they can do to foster honesty in themselves and in their relationships. The urge to lie will still arise as a natural part of life, but students will have expanded their awareness and ability to disrupt their old habits and consciously make new choices that are in harmony with their authenticity. True transformation can only begin with one's self. With self-reflection and by doing the necessary work, we can plant the seeds for healthy and fruitful growth. We empower ourselves and change the direction of our lives!

Q: Tell me about the homework for this course.

A: The homework is a mix of self-reflection questions, journaling, meditations, and more, such as pledging to be honest on social media for a week and keeping an honesty diary. There are also a variety of tools and exercises to help students practice their lie-detecting skills (ways to sharpen their intuition and develop their observation and listening abilities) and use those skills to help them spot dishonesty in their lives and handle it with tact. The homework is engaging and applicable to daily life, and students will walk away with enduring skills.

Course Overview

Ever pause to consider why we feel the need to lie? Think about it for a minute. Is it because we fear the truth? Are we afraid to be authentic? Does being authentic make us feel too vulnerable...or unlovable? To live authentically is to be true to one's self, values, and soul and it's synonymous with being genuine, real, and honest. It also means being courageously vulnerable--letting go of who you think you should be, and being open to embracing who you truly are. Get ready to take a deep and candid look at yourself and your relationships with this fascinating and highly insightful 10-day course. And prepare to shine a light on your own life to identify whether or not you're experiencing dishonesty. You'll learn to understand why and how we lie and self-deceive, how you can strengthen your natural gifts of lie detection, and you'll learn important strategies for compassionately dealing with dishonesty. This is an invitation to learn and grow, as well as create loving, trusting relationships.

How Does It Work?

Starting today, you will receive a new lesson every day for 10 days (total of 10 lessons). Each lesson is yours to keep and you'll be able to refer back to it whenever you want. And if you miss a lesson or are too busy to get to it that day, each lesson will conveniently remain in your account so you won't have to search for it when you're ready to get back to it.

Get Started Now

We are offering this course with the option of selecting how much you want to pay. No matter how much you pay, you'll be getting the same course as everybody else. We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the course with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money.

How much do you want to pay?


This is the total amount for all 10 lessons

That's it for the Q&A for this course. Isn't this a fascinating topic? I found this course very interesting and learned a lot about myself and those around me. The bottom line is that there are always root causes to our behaviors. We just need to notice and then take action toward a shift. Until next time.

Be well,

Madisyn Taylor
Cofounder, Editor-in-Chief