A distinct need to be helpful can come over you today, compelling you to seek out opportunities to aid people and organizations that can benefit from your compassionate attention. You will likely offer your assistance to all who need it without hesitation, whether or not the recipients of your kindness are known to you. Your kindheartedness and sympathetic attitudes can attract the attention of individuals in your personal and professional spheres. You may be surprised when a coworker or your boss approaches you to ask you to lead a businesswide charitable endeavor. Or you may simply find yourself directing family members and friends in their efforts to give back to their communities today.

Our innate kindness comes into its own when we use our many blessings and resources to articulate these feelings in a concrete way. Whatever the nature of the expressions of compassion and benevolence we are moved to convey, our sincerity is obvious in our willingness to make kindness a priority. We need not give voice to our desire to lend our support and assistance to people in need because our actions truly do speak louder than our words. Even when confronted with detractors who question our resolve or point out that there are limits to what we can accomplish, we prove that we would rather contribute whatever we can to the world's well-being instead of simply decry the boundaries of human nature. The love you feel in your heart today will enable you to make a positive difference in your environment.