Today, you may find yourself growing irritable in the presence of those whose outlook on life does not correspond with your own. Though you may enter into potentially charged dialogs with no intention of arguing your point, the differences between you and your conversational partners can cause you to feel defiant. Yet before you defend your ideals and values, consider that the philosophy you have embraced is likely the right one for you. You should not hesitate to outline your opinions for those who are curious today, but try to remember that there are many people who prefer the comfort of that which is conventional over the excitement of rebelliousness.

Because we tend to feel quite comfortable embracing controversial or alternative values, it is likely that we will occasionally find ourselves at odds with someone in our environments. If we let the strength of our convictions get the better of our good sense, we are apt to meet any perceived resistance with defiance that can potentially alienate us from those people who care about us. The more vigorous our defense, the more likely it is that we will say something that causes others pain. We can avoid just such a contingency by making sure to remember that while the beliefs and opinions held by our peers, loved ones, and colleagues will not always mirror our own, they are nonetheless valuable to those who value them. Accept that everyone has the right to think as they will today, and your interpersonal encounters will be much more enjoyable.