Today you may develop sensitivity toward the emotions of the people you typically interact with without incident. The resultant edginess that plagues you like a great weight can make spending time in the company of others an unusually stressful and upsetting experience. Yet you can cure this agitation easily if you can accept that the emotions of your peers are outside the realm of your conscious control. You will likely discover today that your response to others' feelings is the result of your own unexplored issues manifesting themselves in your mood and mind-set. Concentrating your full attention on your distress can help you suppress your sensitivity while simultaneously divesting yourself of unnecessary emotional baggage.

The varied emotions of the individuals we encounter in our day-to-day lives affect us less intensely when we recognize that we are capable only of exercising control over our own moods and feelings. The temptation that leads us to attempt to influence how others feel is always present. Yet when we examine this impulse logically, we discover that our personal empowerment lies in our ability to adjust our reactions to the emotional atmospheres in which we work, live, and play. We need not feel irritable when the individuals around us project signs of sadness or annoyance. Rather, we can express our sensitivity to their feelings in a constructive fashion, without becoming caught up in the tide of their emotions. The tinge of edginess coloring your experiences today will gradually disappear as you regain control of your own emotional state.