A low-grade anxiousness can hold you in its grips today, causing you to doubt yourself and the validity of your goals. Any uncertainty you might otherwise feel will likely be amplified into something more sinister by your fear. Yet even as you feel the weight of your apprehension building in your soul, you can dispel it through labor and effort. If you turn your attention toward those tasks that simply must be addressed today, you will likely find you have little time to devote to your worries. You may have to remind yourself over and over again to focus on the objective before you, but in the end, you can conquer fear easily with hard work.

Anxiety serves us but little when we are working toward the fulfillment of a specific goal. While our worries can inspire us to be extra meticulous and to think carefully about any potentially life-changing decisions, we may also find ourselves paralyzed into inaction by our fears. It is best to banish thoughts of failure while attending to goal-related activities so that we can focus wholeheartedly on what needs to be done. Similarly, the less time we spend asking ourselves whether we are capable of accomplishing a certain aim, the more time we will have at our disposal to devote to our efforts. Apprehension can simply find no quarter in our thoughts or in our hearts when we are absorbed in the pursuits before us. You will have no time for fear today when you have committed yourself to those goals that promise to help you realize your larger purpose.