You may sense today that your main obligation in life is to connect with humanity in your thoughts and in your actions. Since you are likely in a giving and accommodating mood, you may think nothing of putting your own needs aside in order to do all you can to see that others are happy, healthy, and content. This can be a good day to approach loved ones or peers who appear to need your assistance or support. There will likely be those that reject your gift of help today, but you may discover that there is much you can do to improve the lives of the individuals around you.

We are most intimately attuned to the needs and desires of humanity as a whole when we choose to respond to the deficiencies we see around us in an active and affirming fashion. While it is easy to look at the circumstances of people who can potentially benefit from our aid and decide it is better not to get involved, doing our part to serve others almost always allows us to see elements of existence we might otherwise never encounter. We come to realize that our ideas, beliefs, and opinions are not universally embraced by all peoples or cultures. Yet we can also see that while we do occupy a niche, we are in no way prevented from reaching out to people in need of our help, no matter how different. Your obliging mind-set will help you connect with humanity today as you employ your talents aiding others.