You might be in a social mood today which could mean that you feel like hanging out and doing things with your friends today. Because being in a group may be something that energizes you, you may want to make it a point to do at least one thing that is social and but also that is spiritually satisfying. Perhaps joining in a yoga class or group meditation could give you the social contact you desire but can also allow time for reflection and introspection. If you do meet with such a group today, you can imagine that even though all of you are separate people, you all are bound by a shared sense of spirit. This, in turn, might give you a different take on your relationships both with other people and with your inner being.

Doing something with other people that is spiritual can not only connect you and help you bond with other people, but it can also deepen your relationship with yourself. Being social is something that is special, but sometimes we can be so externally focused that we forget about ourselves. Group meditation or spiritual classes, however, are a wonderful way to bring our attention to our own growth as well as the evolution of those around us and it will also be much easier to open up and become more outgoing because of the shared sense of joy and trust that is nurtured. Using your social inclinations to dig more deeply into yourself will cultivate a stronger community and yield unlimited personal insights today.