You may feel more expressive than usual today and far more inclined to share your thoughts and feelings with those willing to lend an ear. Your talkative mood may become the vehicle through which you make your beliefs and values known to the people around you. However, since you are likely feeling somewhat wound up and antagonistic today, you may find it difficult to maintain an upbeat outlook as you discuss charged topics. This can be a great time to reaffirm your commitment to positivity by choosing to support those causes you feel are worthwhile rather than expending your energy speaking out against those issues that awaken your ire.

Our opinions tend to mean more on a universal scale when we make the conscious decision to speak out on behalf of an idea rather than decrying the concepts that oppose it. This is, in part, because people tend to be attracted to positivity, and we can more easily convince others of the validity of the values we hold dear when these are affirmative in nature. Similarly, we do much more to help a cause when our expressions of support are framed in an assenting fashion. Our belief comes together with that of like-minded individuals, ensuring that the foundation of the movement at hand is sound. We are thus empowered to enact great sweeping transformations in the world around us. Your expressiveness and open-mindedness will be put to good use today when you speak out in support of your personal ideology.