A demonstrative mood can prompt you to display your affections openly today. The people you care about may be surprised by your openness, but their appreciation can stop them from expressing the astonishment they feel. Your loving words can soften the hearts of even the most cynical friend or relative, ensuring that you touch your loved ones deeply. If you do feel a sense of lingering discomfort while articulating your feelings in words today, consider that writing can be far less stressful than translating your thoughts into speech. Consider composing letters of gratitude that outline the positive impact the important people in your life have had on your existence.

When we regularly let the people we care about know how much they mean to us and how important they are to our continuing well-being, we need never fear that they will begin to doubt the strength or nature of our affections. Words can be as important as actions in our relationships because they reinforce the message already conveyed by our loving attentions. Demonstrations of tenderness are gifts that cost nothing to give but are priceless in terms of their emotional value. Those on the receiving end of our kindheartedness and warmth can rest assured that there is no power in the universe great enough to stand in the way of our desire to cultivate the bonds of love that have brought us together. Today the affectionate nature of your interactions with the people you care about will ensure that they are fully aware of your feelings.