Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Cancer Horoscope: Separate Spheres

Cancer Daily Horoscope

November 1, 2016
Separate Spheres
Cancer Daily Horoscope

Your obligations can have a profound impact on your well-being today, particularly if you are feeling overextended. Deadlines, supplementary projects, and challenging assignments can cause tension to form in your mind as well as in your body. As a result, the stress you feel in one situation, such as a difficult meeting or a disagreement with a loved one, can linger in your mind as you move on to other parts of your day. To regain your serenity, you may need to leave your tension behind as you move from one sphere of life to the next. Encapsulating your emotions in this way will likely free you to devote the whole of your attention to the task or situation at hand. Later today, when you can enjoy a few private moments, you may find it easier to divest yourself of stress entirely.

Compartmentalizing your emotional reactions to those situations where you have no control allows you to continue to fully enjoy other facets of your life. Often, we let distress related to a specific part of our experience negatively impact the whole of our experience. When you encapsulate the anxiety you feel, rather than letting it flood your soul or ignoring it completely, you can stay grounded in the present and take pleasure in the joy all around you. Challenging circumstances will not interfere with your general well-being. Since you have not suppressed your emotions, your ability to analyze them later at a more appropriate time is in no way compromised. As you learn to compartmentalize today, you'll have more mental energy to devote to life's pleasures.

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Overcoming 'Not Good Enough'
by Pam Thomas, M.S., PMC, PCC

I grew up feeling the pressure of having to be someone I wasn't in order to fit in, basically not ever feeling good enough which lead to fears and feelings of not being deserving of the good things that life had to offer. Those feelings followed me throughout my teen-age years and on well into adulthood. I played the comparison game until the pressure became insane and the self deprecation a daily exercise..."If I only I was as skinny or as pretty as her.", "If I had her job and her income, I'd have it made.", "Why can't I have a relationship like they have?" The time is NOW to amp up your own attraction factor by blasting to bits the "not enough" messages, claim or re-claim your own personal power and confidence, kick fear and negative thoughts to the curb so that you attract the "good stuff" you truly deserve.

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