Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Cancer Horoscope: Enlightenment Through Effort

Enlightenment Through Effort

Cancer Horoscope

November 30, 2016

Selfless impulses may inspire you to look for opportunities to help people less fortunate than yourself today. You may feel altruistic and generous and thus be compelled to make charitable use of your resources. A volunteer position with a charitable organization may help you reach out to people in need while allowing you to use your time or financial assets to benefit those who need them most. As your unselfishness helps you do good in the world, you may derive a profound sense of pleasure from the gratitude you receive from those you have helped. If you're not sure how your resources can be best applied today, consider beginning your quest to give aid to others by serving meals in a soup kitchen or spending time with underprivileged children.

Serving others without expectation of reward can be an eye-opening experience that exposes you to not only the world's ills but also workable solutions. Often, we eschew service opportunities because we are uncomfortable with the idea of coming face-to-face with real need. But giving unselfish aid to those who are most desperate for it can help you see that poverty and strife can affect individuals from all walks of life and so falls into everyone's domain. You'll learn how much you are capable of and that your time and effort can make a profound difference in the lives of individuals less fortunate than yourself. Your talents will truly be put to good use when used charitably. When you serve others today, you will learn that you have within you the power to bring about great change in the world.


DailyOM Course Spotlight

Be Free from Unhealthy Relationships
by Rhonda Findling

It is important for you to empower yourself by gaining the strength to let go of emotionally unhealthy relationships. This 8 week course with Internationally Acclaimed Author and Psychotherapist, Rhonda Findling, will teach you how to stop obsessing or ruminating about partners that are not reciprocating your level of interest or are emotionally unavailable. You will receive tools to help you stop acting desperate or needy with people that you like. You will learn why you compulsively contact partners though you know these behaviors are not in your best interest. The course will help you learn how to stop clinging, how to get through a breakup, and how to stop checking up on your ex. You will learn to sit on your impulses and to allow another the space to long for you. You will make behavioral changes to increase your self-confidence and to be more independent when it comes to relationships.

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