Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Cancer Horoscope: Protected Empathy

Cancer Daily Horoscope

November 15, 2016
Protected Empathy
Cancer Daily Horoscope

You may feel kind-hearted and empathetic today. You may find yourself feeling the struggles of others keenly and want to assist those in need. You may wish to give some thought to ways you could serve that are meaningful to you. Because your feelings of empathy may be intense, you may also find yourself internalizing the pain and despair of others today. This could result in feelings of fatigue and discouragement, and you may wish to devote some time to calming your emotions and preserving your peaceful state of mind. If you can consistently work on releasing stress and staying centered, you will be better able to serve others compassionately and without becoming overwhelmed.

By staying centered, we can devote a lot more energy to serving others without getting lost in the swirl of their emotions. While our empathy can motivate us to help others, it can also cause us to identify too keenly with their pain. This can drain our energy and passion. If we can instead make an effort to stay centered and not let other people's emotions deplete us, we will be able to serve consistently and powerfully. We can then use our compassion to make a powerful difference in the world. Your efforts to serve others will have a greater impact if you choose to give to people without giving your sense of self away.

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Clear Your Home, Clear Your Life
by Stephanie Bennett Vogt

Most of us do too much, or have more possessions than we need or use. Or both. With our lives swept up in an overwhelming swirl of attachments, worry, and endless, mechanical "doing," our minds become fuzzy on what stays and what goes, what matters and what doesn't. As humans it is in our nature to experience clarity and spaciousness all the time. The problem is we lose focus, get off balance, and forget how. So how do we dial it back - or even begin - to reduce the noise, release the stuff that doesn't serve and support us, and connect with that which makes our hearts sing? One minute at a time. In present time. No matter how miniscule the task or effort, the fact is, clearing anything consciously and gently as this 28-day program teaches, creates an energetic opening--a spaciousness--that will work on you slowly and surely to soften your grip of attachments to things, beliefs, and outcomes. Whether you are a super-organized neatnik, a hopeless clutterbug, a non-stop multi-tasker, a curious beginner, or an experienced professional...welcome! This course is for you.

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