Wednesday, November 30, 2016



by Madisyn Taylor

The emotional trigger that begins an argument may have little to do with your present situation, but has dug up a wound.

When we find ourselves in an argument, we may feel like we are losing control of emotions that have taken on lives of their own. When we can become aware that this is happening, taking a deep breath can help us step back from the situation. Once we can separate ourselves from the heat of the moment, we may find that the emotional trigger that began the argument has little to do with the present situation, but may have brought up feelings related to something else entirely. Looking honestly at what caused our reaction allows us to consciously respond more appropriately to the situation and make the best choices.

We can make an agreement with our partners and those closest to us that asking questions can help all of us discover the source of the argument. The shared awareness can result in finding simple solutions to something physical, like low blood sugar or even a hormonal surge. Maybe we are taking ourselves too seriously, and we can just laugh and watch the tension dissolve. We could also discover that perhaps we are addicted to the excitement that drama brings and the chemicals that our body creates when we are angry. But there may be a deeper issue that requires discussion, understanding, and patience. The more we allow ourselves to step back and examine our reasons for arguing, the easier it becomes to allow real feelings to surface and guide us toward solutions that improve our lives.

When we can be clear about our feelings and intentions and communicate them clearly, we have a far better chance of getting what we want than if we lose control or allow our subconscious minds to manipulate the situation. We might take our frustrations out on the people closest to us because we feel safe and comfortable with them, but misplaced anger can cause more harm than good. Arguing for what we truly believe can empower us and help us to direct our passions toward greater life experiences. Truly knowing our reasons for arguing enables us to grow emotionally in ways that will affect our whole being.


DailyOM Course Spotlight

Be Free from Unhealthy Relationships
by Rhonda Findling

It is important for you to empower yourself by gaining the strength to let go of emotionally unhealthy relationships. This 8 week course with Internationally Acclaimed Author and Psychotherapist, Rhonda Findling, will teach you how to stop obsessing or ruminating about partners that are not reciprocating your level of interest or are emotionally unavailable. You will receive tools to help you stop acting desperate or needy with people that you like. You will learn why you compulsively contact partners though you know these behaviors are not in your best interest. The course will help you learn how to stop clinging, how to get through a breakup, and how to stop checking up on your ex. You will learn to sit on your impulses and to allow another the space to long for you. You will make behavioral changes to increase your self-confidence and to be more independent when it comes to relationships.

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Top 10 DailyOM Courses

1. 8 Week Whole Body Makeover!
2. 21 Day Yoga Shred
3. A Year to Clear What is Holding You Back!
4. How to Communicate Like a Buddhist
5. Break the Grip of Past Lovers
6. Reinventing The Body, Resurrecting the Soul
7. Overcoming Self-Sabotage
8. Blessings from A Course in Miracles
9. The Skinny Thinking Thought Diet
10. Be a Divine Conduit for Guides & Angels

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Cancer Horoscope: Enlightenment Through Effort

Enlightenment Through Effort

Cancer Horoscope

November 30, 2016

Selfless impulses may inspire you to look for opportunities to help people less fortunate than yourself today. You may feel altruistic and generous and thus be compelled to make charitable use of your resources. A volunteer position with a charitable organization may help you reach out to people in need while allowing you to use your time or financial assets to benefit those who need them most. As your unselfishness helps you do good in the world, you may derive a profound sense of pleasure from the gratitude you receive from those you have helped. If you're not sure how your resources can be best applied today, consider beginning your quest to give aid to others by serving meals in a soup kitchen or spending time with underprivileged children.

Serving others without expectation of reward can be an eye-opening experience that exposes you to not only the world's ills but also workable solutions. Often, we eschew service opportunities because we are uncomfortable with the idea of coming face-to-face with real need. But giving unselfish aid to those who are most desperate for it can help you see that poverty and strife can affect individuals from all walks of life and so falls into everyone's domain. You'll learn how much you are capable of and that your time and effort can make a profound difference in the lives of individuals less fortunate than yourself. Your talents will truly be put to good use when used charitably. When you serve others today, you will learn that you have within you the power to bring about great change in the world.


DailyOM Course Spotlight

Be Free from Unhealthy Relationships
by Rhonda Findling

It is important for you to empower yourself by gaining the strength to let go of emotionally unhealthy relationships. This 8 week course with Internationally Acclaimed Author and Psychotherapist, Rhonda Findling, will teach you how to stop obsessing or ruminating about partners that are not reciprocating your level of interest or are emotionally unavailable. You will receive tools to help you stop acting desperate or needy with people that you like. You will learn why you compulsively contact partners though you know these behaviors are not in your best interest. The course will help you learn how to stop clinging, how to get through a breakup, and how to stop checking up on your ex. You will learn to sit on your impulses and to allow another the space to long for you. You will make behavioral changes to increase your self-confidence and to be more independent when it comes to relationships.

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Top 10 DailyOM Courses

1. 8 Week Whole Body Makeover!
2. 21 Day Yoga Shred
3. A Year to Clear What is Holding You Back!
4. How to Communicate Like a Buddhist
5. Break the Grip of Past Lovers
6. Reinventing The Body, Resurrecting the Soul
7. Overcoming Self-Sabotage
8. The Skinny Thinking Thought Diet
9. Blessings from A Course in Miracles
10. Be a Divine Conduit for Guides & Angels

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Monday, November 28, 2016

Ants and Bees, a Metaphor

Ants and Bees, a Metaphor

by Madisyn Taylor

We can learn a lot from watching ants and bees living in community and working for the greater good.

When we see ants and bees out in the world, we often see just one, but this belies the reality of their situation. More than any other species, ants and bees function as parts of a whole. They cannot and do not survive as individuals; they survive as members of a group, and the group's survival is the implicit goal of each individual's life. There is no concept of life outside the group, so even to use the word individual is somewhat misleading. Often, humans, on the other hand, strongly value individuality and often negatively associate ants and bees with a lack of independence. And yet, if we look closer at these amazing creatures, we can learn valuable lessons about how much we can achieve when we band together with others to work for a higher purpose.

Most ants and bees have highly specified roles within their communities, some of which are biologically dictated, and they work within the confines of their roles without complaint, never wishing to be something other than what they are. In this way, they symbolize self-knowledge and humility. They also display selfless service as they work for the common good. In many ways, they are like the individual cells of one body, living and dying as necessary to preserve the integrity of the whole body, not to protect themselves as individuals. In this way, ants personify the ability to see beyond one's small self to one's place within the greater whole, and the ability to serve this whole selflessly.

Ants and bees can inspire us to fully own what we have to offer and to put it to use in the pursuit of a goal that will benefit all of humanity, whether it be raising consciousness about the environment, feeding the hungry, or raising a happy child. Each one of us has certain talents we were born with, as well as skills we have acquired. When we apply these gifts, knowing that we are one part of a greater organism working to better the whole world, we honor and implement the wisdom of ants and bees.


DailyOM Course Spotlight

Heal Yourself with Writing
by Catherine Ann Jones

Our lives may be determined less by past events than by the way we remember them. You are invited to come aboard this inner adventure that offers a step by step journey of discovery and re-visioning through focused journaling. Throughout the eight sessions, you will be engaged in exercises designed to facilitate healing and transformation. Telling stories about our past through focused journaling can help change our perspectives to enable healing and empowerment. In this way, we are able to make meaning out of memory and put the past where it belongs - behind us. Healing and transformation are only possible through changing one's perspective from within. In this way, global healing takes place one individual, one tribe, at a time. What story are you living? How do you choose to remember your story? How do we put together the pieces of our past? How can we rewrite our life story so that pain becomes meaningful and actually promotes growth and transformation? One answer lies in focused journaling. Join award-winning writer and global teacher Catherine Ann Jones in this course. No writing experience is necessary.

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Top 10 DailyOM Courses

1. 8 Week Whole Body Makeover!
2. 21 Day Yoga Shred
3. A Year to Clear What is Holding You Back!
4. How to Communicate Like a Buddhist
5. Break the Grip of Past Lovers
6. Reinventing The Body, Resurrecting the Soul
7. Overcoming Self-Sabotage
8. Overcoming Creative Anxiety
9. The Skinny Thinking Thought Diet
10. Blessings from A Course in Miracles

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Cancer Horoscope: Fun Everywhere

Fun Everywhere

Cancer Horoscope

November 28, 2016

You may feel mischievous today and inspired to finds ways to make your day more fun. Because you may be in the mood to play games and challenge yourself, you may derive great satisfaction from attempting to complete your routine tasks more quickly, more efficiently, or in creative and new ways. As a result, you will likely find that your obligations become more enjoyable, and activities you once found dull may become exciting. Consider challenging a family member to a race when decluttering your home today or asking a friend to demonstrate a new method of executing a task that has lately become uninteresting.

Treating life and its many responsibilities as a game can help you find enjoyment in everyday, mundane tasks. Often, what we think of as tedium is simply the natural result of doing the same activity in the same way over and over again. As you immerse yourself in your duties in a lighthearted way, you'll begin to see more ways to introduce a bit of fun into your routine. Your obligations will seem more interesting, and you'll be excited at the start of each day. Playfully approaching your duties can also make time fly quickly because you are having a good time. When you treat your obligations as fun challenges today, you will find that they have become vastly more enjoyable and interesting.


DailyOM Course Spotlight

Heal Yourself with Writing
by Catherine Ann Jones

Our lives may be determined less by past events than by the way we remember them. You are invited to come aboard this inner adventure that offers a step by step journey of discovery and re-visioning through focused journaling. Throughout the eight sessions, you will be engaged in exercises designed to facilitate healing and transformation. Telling stories about our past through focused journaling can help change our perspectives to enable healing and empowerment. In this way, we are able to make meaning out of memory and put the past where it belongs - behind us. Healing and transformation are only possible through changing one's perspective from within. In this way, global healing takes place one individual, one tribe, at a time. What story are you living? How do you choose to remember your story? How do we put together the pieces of our past? How can we rewrite our life story so that pain becomes meaningful and actually promotes growth and transformation? One answer lies in focused journaling. Join award-winning writer and global teacher Catherine Ann Jones in this course. No writing experience is necessary.

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Top 10 DailyOM Courses

1. 8 Week Whole Body Makeover!
2. 21 Day Yoga Shred
3. A Year to Clear What is Holding You Back!
4. How to Communicate Like a Buddhist
5. Break the Grip of Past Lovers
6. Reinventing The Body, Resurrecting the Soul
7. Overcoming Self-Sabotage
8. Overcoming Creative Anxiety
9. The Skinny Thinking Thought Diet
10. Blessings from A Course in Miracles

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Sunday, November 27, 2016

You Have All the Answers Within You

You Have All the Answers Within You

by Madisyn Taylor

When you realize that you always have the answers within yourself, you can stop searching outside of yourself.

Many of us seek the answers to life's questions by looking outside of ourselves and trying to glean advice from the people around us. But as each of us is unique, with our own personal histories, our own sense of right and wrong, and our own way of experiencing the world that defines our realities, looking to others for our answers is only partially helpful. The answers to our personal questions can be most often found by looking within. When you realize that you always have access to the part of you that always knows what you need and is meant to act as your inner compass, you can stop searching outside of yourself. If you can learn to hear, trust, and embrace the wisdom that lives within you, you will be able to confidently navigate your life.

Trusting your inner wisdom may be awkward at first, particularly if you grew up around people who taught you to look to others for answers. We each have exclusive access to our inner knowing. All we have to do is remember how to listen. Remember to be patient as you relearn how to hear, receive, and follow your own guidance. If you are unsure about whether following your inner wisdom will prove reliable, you may want to think of a time when you did trust your own knowing and everything worked out. Recall how the answers came to you, how they felt in your body as you considered them, and what happened when you acted upon this guidance. Now, recall a time when you didn't trust yourself and the results didn't work out as you had hoped. Trusting your own guidance can help you avoid going against what you instinctively know is right for you.

When you second guess yourself and go against what you know to be your truth, you can easily go off course because you are no longer following your inner compass. By looking inside yourself for the answers to your life's questions, you are consulting your best guide. Only you can know the how's and why's of your life. The answers that you seek can be found when you start answering your own questions.


DailyOM Course Spotlight

Animal Spirit Guides
by Dr. Steven Farmer

Animal Spirit Guides are spiritual beings that can help us in a life-positive way. You can call on them for guidance, protection, healing, and inspiration. We may see them, hear them, feel them, or just know they're with us, and we can have any number of spirit guides throughout our life whether we're aware of them or not. Their intention is to help us have a more peaceful, harmonious, and happier life. They are happy to serve and willingly do so whenever called. In this on-line course from bestselling author Dr. Steven Farmer, you will learn 6 key lessons to help bring your Animal Spirit Guides into your daily life. It's amazing how animals permeate our consciousness and are with us all the time. And with this course, you can bring these Animal Spirit Guides in to your life to help with both your emotional and physical healing.

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Top 10 DailyOM Courses

1. 8 Week Whole Body Makeover!
2. 21 Day Yoga Shred
3. A Year to Clear What is Holding You Back!
4. How to Communicate Like a Buddhist
5. Break the Grip of Past Lovers
6. Reinventing The Body, Resurrecting the Soul
7. Overcoming Self-Sabotage
8. Overcoming Creative Anxiety
9. Find True Love in 27 Days
10. The Skinny Thinking Thought Diet

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