The following is an excerpt from the "8 Week Whole Body Makeover!" on-line course. If you would like to enroll in the course, click here.
Hello beautiful!
I am so honored you are about to share your journey with me. My intention for you is to pull away all the masks of shame, guilt, failure and all the bad habits and negative crap that manifests in our lives and bodies, so you may emerge with a new shape, new mind, new resilience and a renewed connection to your true, most radiant self.
I am holding the vision of your most beautiful, powerful, radiant self.. What a treat you are to this world. There is no-one else like you, doing the things you are doing. You are going to shine so beautiful and bright once you uncover your true form.
8 Weeks To Your Most Radiant Self:
Eat, Move, And Live Mindfully! DAY 1: Learning the Principles
Principle 1. Learning and using your body-wisdom: every body is different, we are all different, a lot of great diets out there, almost all of them work, but for specific people with certain bodies. No diets or bodies are created equal. Also our bodies are always changing, so what worked for us in the past may not necessarily be good or effective for us now. How do we work around this? By tuning into our own body's wisdom and understanding its language, it has all the answers we are looking for:
Wisdom eating principles:
1. Eat with your highest vision: no restrictions, no rules, no more control or denying yourself. You are going to eat in a way that sustains and empowers your best self, not try and control what goes into your mouth. You are going to stay focused on your vision and be pulled by the vision, be inspired by this vision and make it come true with every thing that touches your lips.
2. Eat when you're hungry: when you are hungry, EAT. Listen to your body, what does it need? Is it sweet (comfort and soothing) is it salty (nourishing and mineral rich) is it hearty (grounding and warm) is it crunchy (carnal satisfaction) is it fatty (healing) something else? What does it mean to you? How can you honour this while staying in alignment with your vision and in alignment with your principles?
3. Infuse your food with love: every aspect of it infuses it with love. Infuse it with your vision and that energy of " I am now healing and transforming with every bite I take". When you are shopping think about all the wonderful moments you will have with your food prep, all the ways it is going to sustain your week and give you amazing energy and a slimmer waistline. When you are cooking think of the ways it will taste and nourish your body, and how good it will feel to honour yourself so much! Just before you sit down to eat, say a prayer and bless your food with divine love. When you are eating, bring awareness to how it makes you feel, emotionally and physically, and how you will feel after. Bring a massive amount of awareness to this process, you will see how it changes the way you think about food from one of enslavement to one of empowerment.
4. Eat to 80% full: Eat until you are 80% full, stop, check in to see how you are feeling. I get up walk around a bit, check in, have a good burp, then if I still feel 80% I honour this, and smile to myself because I just honoured myself so much and it feels so damn good! Your body knows best, develop a positive relationship with the way it feels at all times, before-during, after-the next day.
5. Expand your sensory awareness: The taste isn't the only part that is satisfying; it's the process, the journey, and the whole enchilada. Expand your sense and your awareness to take in the appreciation from new perspectives.
6. Honour your feelings without using food: I used to be a crazy emotional eater, I have just finally mastered this and wow, and it has changed my life! I used to get pints of chocolate peanut butter ice cream, curl up in my bed in my favourite position and eat the whole damn thing. Then go back to the store and do it again. My gut was destroyed and I felt so toxic I did that for about 2 months, eating about 2 pints of ice cream a day, because I was nurturing myself with food. Using food in the place of our self love- never fills us with what we need.
Now I have what I call "sacred council" with my "selves" and see whoever is acting up and what she needs. The little girl in me that has daddy issues just wants to eat sugary things and needs nurturing, likes to go for nature walks and just be in a safe environment. Or sometimes we go to the store and she says she wants something, and together we pick a healthy alternative. The angry teenage brat in me that wants to starve herself and punish herself with exercise, really just needs to bike furiously and scream at the top of her lungs. The wise sage in me that can see their vices and then make compromises with them, is always there for them, asking what they need and showing them how to feel safe in their expression without food! The awareness in me is the space and container that allows all of this to arise, and gives me the power to choose, breathe, witness and learn. It is freedom.
Try it, ask yourself "who is it that is having this feeling" and then ask "what does she really need" and "how can I give this to her without emotional eating." Use your awareness that observes the emotion, the craving, the need to react and live in complete control of the craving or desire.
7. Let your body do the talking: You know how your body is going to feel after what you eat, you always know. Its time for you to turn it up instead of suppressing these signals. Before you eat something, check in and ask "how am I going to feel if I eat that?" Then ask "is this the best way I can honour my sacred temple?" If not, what is? What would make you feel the most beautiful, radiant, and healthy ever and still give you what you need? Empower yourself with the solution instead of ignoring your body's signals.
8. Balance with movement: This is a must, we have bodies with extremities, joints, muscles, bones, a digestive tract that is 20 feet long and nerves that can when stretched out in one length they can wrap around the world twice: We are designed to move! For average health it's 30 mins cardiovascular movement every day. For stimulating digestion and peristalsis of the intestines go for a walk after meals, especially in the evening and in the morning. Move your body every day, walking should be a staple at least, then strength training 3-6x a week all depending on your goals and your schedule.
9. Reward yourself without food and find the sweetness in your life: At the end of the week this is when most of my clients blow their diets and I'm writing this from almost doing this exact thing today on a Friday. I almost allowed myself to go out for a big breakfast with cinnamon bun French toast, eggs and bacon! The thought process is something like "You deserve it you have been working so hard" but is this really a reward?
Or is it self-sabotage?
I then had my sacred council, projected myself into the future and looked at the rest of my day, and even a few days from now and asked myself "How would I feel if I ate all that crap as a reward?"
I didn't like it, so I came up with an equally satisfying breakfast of low carb pancakes and salmon/veggie/bean hash! I then had the inspiration to write this for you! Wooooo honour that vision ladies, it is creative, powerful and waiting for YOU! Now I reward myself with extreme self care and luxury, like doing my nails, getting my hair done, little naps, a hot bath, a pedicure, a facial, prettying myself up and going shopping, doing hot yoga, a massage or reiki session, watching a movie, or taking the day off and doing whatever the heck I want☺
Principle 2. Having the right macros: Macros are the essentials of our diets: the main ones are proteins, carbs, and fats. Remember different types of bodies and blood types do best with higher protein/high fat diets, or higher carb/lower fat and protein diets. No diet fits all, that is why it is very important to master the principles above. For eyeballing your food, use this handy way of doing so:
For protein: a proper serving for your body is about ¾ the size of your palm. I've written this into the plan as about 3-5 ounces. Personally when I am cutting out a lot of crap I've been binging on I find my body needs more protein until my blood sugar becomes steady.
For starchy carbs: go for about a 1/2c to 1c all depending on your energy outputs and how you are feeling. For fats: Go for about the size of your thumb: I've written this into the plan as about ¼ avocado or 1 teaspoon.. I myself eat fats by the tablespoon as I need higher protein and more fats☺
Understanding your fats: Fats are super important!!!!! Swapping out your bad fats for good ones is going to help your liver function properly, as well as heal your gut and reduce inflammation and therefore Candida, inability to lose weight, anxiety, depression, and that bloated feeling.
Fats build healthy cells, Fats build brains. Fats help the body use vitamins. Vitamins A, D, E, and K Fats make hormones. Fat provides healthier skin. By changing this alone it will change your life. I cannot stress this enough.
We will focus on these fats as they are stable and good in high heat and have been proven to be best for healing and belly fat loss loss, as well as killing Candida: Ghee, raw Coconut butter, MCT oil, fair trade red palm oil, hemp oil, fish oil Principle 3. Use super foods and antioxidants to restore and protect cells: Antioxidants and super foods are important as they help combat signs of aging, cellular deterioration, disease and free radicals. Today less than 10% of nutrients left in our topsoil from 100 years ago. Our foods are hydroponically grown, genetically modified, sprayed with pesticides, herbicides and fungicides then picked before they are ripened, then displayed in our stores. All of these extras end up in our systems, and when our systems become compromised over our lifetimes, our bodies begin to shut down and become toxic with these accumulating chemicals.
The super foods we are going to focus on are: Yellow Maca, conscious planet shakes and supplements Antioxidants: chaga mushroom, raw cacao, blueberries, Vitamin C, garlic, and lemons.
Principle 4. Acid alkaline balancing foods: Our bodies do best when we are sitting at a PH level of 7.2. It is easy to stay slim and healthy with lots of energy as muscle maintains is supple form in a highly alkaline environment.
We also rest better, have lots of energy, are able to recover faster from intense exercise and have a sense of well being due to our body being in a state of healing, producing tonic chemicals, and in homeostasis. When we are acidic, our skin tends to be red, dry and inflamed, our workouts show no benefits, our cravings our out of control, and we feel irritable, toxic, inflamed and impatient with ourselves and everyone in our life. The best foods for alkalinity are green vegetables especially cruciferous veggies, sour fruits, soaked nuts, fermented foods like kefir, raw sauerkraut, miso, sprouted seeds, and sea vegetables, and mineral rich salts and other minerals.
Principle 5. Focusing on will building foods: there are certain foods that increase our life force, our chi, our creativity, clear our mind, make us feel empowered, and build our will and self esteem. We feel good about ourselves and firmly rooted in who we are and what we are doing with our lives. We have the drive and gumption to act on our goals and dreams, keep our commitments to ourselves, and wake up with a sense of "freak Ya I'm awesome" I call these will building foods.
They support all our systems and especially our GI tract, clean up bad estrogens, build our immune system, help support beneficial bacteria in our bodies, stabilize our blood sugars so we are in a state of fat burning, provide high amounts of iron and feed our adrenals which produce our energy and drive for life.
These foods consist of dark leafy vegetables, cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, fibrous carb vegetables like peppers, kale, spinach, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, garlic, cilantro, blue green algae's like spirulina, chlorella, green juices, sea vegetables like wakame, nori, kelp, dulse, sea lettuces, soaked nuts, all sprouts, healthy starchy carbs coming from vegetables like yams, beets, squash and beans, and fermented foods like kefir, sauerkraut, and miso paste, tempeh as well as high nutrient rich natural salts like Himalayan red salt or arctic sea salt.
Other will building nutrients and vitamins we need are: Vitamins A, C, E and all the B vitamins especially B12 and B6, magnesium, trace minerals like zinc, magnesium, vanadium, chromium, and iodine.
We can also use Ginseng for rebuilding the adrenals and providing energy instead of stimulants and caffeine. "Will killing foods" are foods that kill our energy, mess up our systems of digestion, elimination, and energy production, cause cravings and hormone disruptions and require our bodies to take nutrients and minerals out of our own tissues to process them and keep our blood alkaline.
These "will weakening foods" include sugar, all processed foods including pasta, cookies, crackers, baked goods, GMO foods, oats and grains for some, gluten, wheat, refined salt and caffeinated energy drinks.
These foods also cause a systemic Candida yeast infection: Candida IS an epidemic in our society and is responsible for many of the chronic illness categories we see so frequently. Candida symptoms are vast and all encompassing and can even incapacitate the individual.
Most people are unaware that it even exists, because most mainstream doctors are uneducated about its impact on our health. One of the most well known forms of yeast is the vaginal yeast infection. However, it may play a role in just about any mental health condition or chronic illness you can think of.
Yeast overgrowth is considered to be a leading contributor in sugar cravings and overeating, alcoholism, anxiety disorders, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, Addison's disease, mcs - multiple chemical sensitivities, crohns, autism, cfs - chronic fatigue syndrome, leaky gut syndrome, pms, endometriosis, FMS - fibromyalgia syndrome, prostatitis, attention deficit disorder, multiple sclerosis, asthma, food allergies, muscle and joint pain, clinical depression, repeated urinary tract infections, hormonal imbalances, migraines, digestive disturbances, difficult menopause, psoriasis, lupus, chronic pain, tourette's, vulvodynia, rheumatoid arthritis and many more.
This yeast thrives off sugar, highly processed foods, poor colon health, depressed immune systems and some fermented foods like white vinegar, soy sauce, and alcohol and of course stress.
Principle 6. Cleaning and detoxing the GI tract, liver, blood and lymphatic system: Your health is a pure reflection of how good your digestion is. It all starts with your digestive system (stomach, small and large intestine). Your gut consisting of your small and large intestine, harbours 75% of your immunity, makes critical vitamins, controls hormones including most serotonin production which is needed for being happy. If our gut is happy, we will be happy. We will feel well rested after a good night's sleep, be able to wear the clothes we like as our tummies will feel slim and healthy, have energy all day, and enjoy the way we feel inside our bodies. If we don't
We accumulate heavy metals, toxins, create inflammation when we eat wheat, dairy, sugar, highly processed foods and all the "will weakening foods" mentioned above. Combine this inflammation with improper food combining and a heavy film of glycoprotein starts to coat the intestinal wall and inhibit nutrient absorption. The long term affects are skinny hard stools, chronic constipation, inability to cleanse and eliminate properly or digest, intestines and colon full of mucus, parasites, fecal matter, bad bacteria, hardened flesh foods and chronic dehydration of the colon.
Our colons must be kept clean so there is no time for putrefaction to take place. If the colon is not clean the food residue that is kept in the colon over the 24 hour period, absorbs back into the blood. In turn, the liver, lungs, kidneys and skin must then try to eliminate this build up of waste material.
Did you know that average person can have up to 8-12lbs of fecal matter putrefying in their gut and being reabsorbed back into their blood, tissues and vital organs?
The Royal Society of Medicine did a major study and found that a dysfunctional large intestine (colon) is the major contributor to 85% of all disease and illness.
Ya! It's enough to say, "ok I get it, let's get this poop out of me"
Ways to cleanse and keep your colon squeaky clean:
1. enzymes with every meal, 2. Probiotics: about 100 billion a day, 3. Colon hydrotherapy: go to a professional for this or you can do colonics at home. 4. Food combinations: This can be a little confusing but basically you want to try not to eat starchy carbs or veggie with proteins, as these two neutralize stomach acids and then the undigested food mater goes into the gut to putrefy. So try and eat proteins with non starchy veggies and ocean veggies only, eat fruits with fats and with fermented foods, eat any seed like grains by themselves, try not to have too much fat with grains. 5. Eating fermented foods with good bacteria at every meal(about 2 ounces) 6. Castor oil packs: I do these when I'm really in trouble 7. Taking in good fats that heal: cut out all trans fats!!! The biggest source of inflammation.. As well as sugar and stress 8. Drinking good clean water, 9. Eating will building foods 10. Taking L-glutamine for healing the inflammation of the intestinal wall (you cannot heal it without it) 11. Adding Aloe to your green juices and smoothies!!! Aloe juice will clean out your colon so well, when I really suffered from constipation I would take about 3 ounces at night and eliminate properly the next morning.
I would suggest doing a colonic about 1x a week for serious cleansing. It will change your life!
Principle 7. Practicing the art of self-love, mindfulness and self-reflection: move from love, instead of self-loathing. Move with mindfulness, instead of haste. Take time to reflect so you can drink in your experiences and become more aware. To have more love, to feel more love, you need to embody love, and move from that space. Connect to your heart, breathe, appreciate the task at hand, and open your mind to find new ways to appreciate what you are doing. Do this when shopping, prepping your food, cooking, brushing your teeth, sitting on the toilet, shaving your legs. Pour love into everything you do, as every single moment of your life is a moment to expand into your true state: love. It is one of the most healing things you can do for yourself.
Principle 8. Rewarding thyself: set your small goals, give yourself a reward. Make sure to reward yourself! You deserve it, and it works. The reward always comes AFTER the commitment to self has been kept, not before. I know that if I wait too long to go for my morning walk there is a point where my energy starts to drop and I lose motivation, and don't go.. And its always because I "rewarded myself" by being in my comfy bed before my walk.
My rewards are: Taking a break from work and chilling out in my bed (its my favourite place to be!) going on face book, listening to something inspiring, taking a nap, taking a bath, getting a facial, getting my nails done, going shopping for a new pair of shoes, taking Sundays off and having an awesome adventure into the forest, getting a massage, taking myself out for dinner, watching a movie in my bed on a Friday night. And of course, making a sugar-free dessert!
It's time to find balance, true health, and the weight will naturally fall off. That is how I encourage you to go about this plan! With a deep sense of self-love.
In this life changing course, Deepak Chopra reveals "the forgotten miracle"--the body's infinite capacity for change and renewal. "You cannot take advantage of this miracle," Chopra says, "unless you are willing to completely reinvent your body, transforming it from a material object to a dynamic, flowing process. Your physical body is a fiction. Every cell is made up of two invisible ingredients: awareness and energy. This course details five recent breakthroughs of the body that lead to self-transformation by changing the distorted energy patterns that are the root cause of aging, infirmity, and disease.
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