Saturday, June 11, 2016

14 Day Yoga Cleanse

DailyOM - 14 Day Yoga Cleanse
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June 11, 2016
14 Day Yoga Cleanse
14 Day Yoga Cleanse

by Sadie Nardini

The following is an excerpt from the "14 Day Yoga Cleanse" on-line course. If you would like to enroll in the course, click here.

Get ready to ROCK your mind, body and energy level to a whole new level of awesome!

Today is for you to learn how to make space for this 14-Day Real-World Detox, get your body cleansed and energized, begin moving for a few minutes, and start on a powerful mind/body journey that will create immense changes in just a short time.

Step 1: Make time to work out. Take out your calendar right now and block out 20 minutes each morning. I promise you, even if you get up 20 minutes earlier, you'll feel better, clearer and more on track all day long. Do not deviate from this 'You Time' for anything.

I created different workouts to do for all 14 days so you can see your results building over the 2 weeks, and learn these moves really well to use for a lifetime. I will suggest one each day, but if you want to do another, feel free.

These sequences are perfectly designed to hit all areas of your body, amp your metabolism, fire up your digestion and help detoxify you efficiently.

The Yoga Shred 5-minute workouts are scientifically-proven to burn calories, build lean muscle and burn fat as if you'd worked out (hard) for 2 hours, and will optimize you faster than anything else I've found.

It does this because you've shocked and awed your muscles so strongly in 5 minutes that over the next 2-3 days, you'll be rebuilding, and leaning out, requiring more calories to fuel your new, toned muscle mass 24-7.

You'll notice that between the perfect compliments of my Yoga Sequence (for stretch, detox, tissue hydration, anti-aging, hormonal balance, flexibility and strength) and the Yoga Shreds (for muscle building, cardio, fat-burning, long-term calorie burn), you'll see faster transformations on all levels than working out for too long, too hard, or doing the same moves over and over.

We are going to shake things up, cross-train you, and do it all (better) in just a few minutes a day.

Step 2: Stock up. You'll need some ingredients to do this plan, since we are also going on a food revolution. You can plan for the week or just get the items for the next couple of days.

If you can't find (or can't afford) all of the ingredients, that's fine. Try to approximate them as closely as you can with healthy, whole food, non-processed items—or get creative, and make your own versions of the types of meals found here on the plan.

You don't have to make every recipe. These are just ideas and suggestions for how to eat in order to make the most out of your 14 days, and get the most out of your daily workout.

Step 3: Defend your consistency! Any time you start on something new, get ready, because it's all too easy to sabotage it by saying yes to other things and people (and Facebook). When you make more mundane and mindless tasks more important than you staying on track these few minutes a day, it's easy to sabotage your progress.

Choose your agreements and where you put your energy very carefully for the next 2 weeks. Plan around your program, not the other way around, and you will begin to cement a new routine—one that puts you first as the core and source of everything else you do—including your family, and other relationships.

You put yourself first-first, and others second-first, Okay?

This is how everyone benefits more from what you have to give—instead of you burning out to give too much to others and too little to yourself. To love people, you have to love yourself. This will make them feel better than ever, and you, too!

Today's Workout Tip: Rock Who You Are!

I don't believe in the saying 'no pain, no gain'. I think it leads us to punish ourselves and get aggressive, two things the body and mind don't like so much, and this plan aims to change things around here.

I want you to experience the joy of moving your body, of feeling it work, of eating delicious food that nourishes you and the freedom that comes from being in your day with a sense of adventure, happiness and empowerment.

So, if I offer you a movement that hurts or isn't accessible to you yet, either modify the poses and do less, or heck—dance around the room and have a little disco party until I do something you can do, and that you feel comfortable doing. As long as you stay moving when you can, and rest when you're feeling overloaded, I'm happy.

Let's have some fun!

14-Day Real-World Detox Diet Tip of the Day

Fierce Foodie Myth: Food Causes Disease

Many people think that certain types of food—whether it's meat, cheese, carbs, fats, milk, soda, and pretty much anything else—can cause us to gain weight and get sick.

Overwhelming research suggests that higher rates of obesity, cancer, diabetes, heart disease and more, can be shown to correlate with all of these things. The research also shows that there is little to no disease correlated directly with unprocessed, organic and whole-food versions of all of these things.

That's right, researchers have done studies showing, say, the link between red meat and cancer. But they lumped all kinds of meat—from factory farmed cheap hot dogs to organic free-range, grass-fed beef into the same study.

Needless to say, all red meat got a bad rap. I still see people gasping in horror when I order a local, small-farmed, clean filet mignon, as if I'm going to have a heart attack right there in front of them.

Once researchers started separating the processed, chemical-laden versions from their more natural counterparts, they saw that the former clearly caused or correlated with weight gain and disease. The latter?

Not so much.

Whatever your dietary type, please begin to think about your food as either natural or unprocessed instead of being frightened or averse to food groups.

Unless you have an ethical or medical reason for abstaining, it doesn't serve you, your body or your longevity to become too strict.

Want soda? Try your health food store. There are many more natural sodas and seltzers, fizzy kombuchas and other healing beverages you may never have thought to try.

How about cheese? There's even great vegan cheese nowadays. Grass-fed, local, organic, less processed, no-hormones…anything you can get at your local Whole Foods or equivalent, will be likely to heal you, and cause far less harm.

Speaking of which, let's eat!

Today's 14-Day Real-World Detox Recipe:

The Best Frickin' Blender Salsa Ever
In this 14-Day Detox plan, I've gathered some of my favorite recipes that I personally eat to get the results you're seeking. I can't wait to share them all with you!

They're so easy and they all pack a huge nutritional bang for your money, time and buck. You'll be less hungry—and more satisfied—all day long.

This Blender Salsa is one of my go-to snacks, party noshes and an all-around great way to get a whole bunch of vegetables in your face, and actually enjoy it!

Yes, you could grab a jar of organic salsa, which is the next best thing. But to take living food and puree, then eat it immediately helps bring the best nutrients and life force. Plus, put some love, care, intention to heal and fuel your awesome body and life into that blender. I swear it makes a difference.

Chips are basically simple carbs, and can be highly caloric, so get a bag of organic chips of your preference, and also cut up some cucumbers, red bell peppers and/or carrots, sliced on the diagonal and not too thick, and eat them when you're done with about 10 chips or so—or instead of chips altogether.

Also, some people (myself included) have a genetic mutation that makes cilantro taste like dish soap. I'm not kidding. So of course, leave this or any ingredient out as you wish. Sometimes I make cucumber/avocado/lime/red bell pepper salsa and people love it! Cube the avocado really small and mix into the serving bowl after everything else has been blended so you don't get a guacamole hybrid.

Have it as a snack today—as much as you want—in-between meals instead of grabbing something more high sugar/carb, or not having a snack at all. Part of looking your best is lighting your metabolic fire all throughout the day, so the moment your stomach growls, it's salsa time, baby!

Here's how:

Quick and Easy Blender Salsa

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Total Time: 15 minutes


1 14 oz can diced tomatoes

1 fresh tomato, roughly chopped

1/2 small onion, roughly chopped

1 clove garlic, peeled and smashed

1/2-1 jalapeƱo, seeded. Add a slice of hotter pepper if you want more heat.

1 teaspoon honey

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon ground cumin

small to medium size handful of cilantro, washed

juice of 1 lime


Put all the ingredients in the base of a food processor or good blender and pulse to combine for 30 seconds or so until all the ingredients are finely chopped and salsa is desired consistency. Taste for seasoning and adjust to taste. Serve with chips or over tacos.

Keep the leftovers for later or as a garnish for some of your other meals!

Enjoy today! `


For more information visit:
> 14 Day Yoga Cleanse


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Are you creating less often than you would like? Are you avoiding your creative work altogether? Anxiety may be the culprit! Anxiety regularly stops creative people in their tracks and makes their experience of creating more painful than pleasurable. It stops would-be creative people entirely, preventing them from realizing their dreams. Anxiety is the number one problem that creative people face--and yet few know about it. Do you procrastinate? That's anxiety. Do you resist getting to your work or marketing your work? That's anxiety. Do you have trouble deciding which creative project to tackle? That's anxiety. Do you find completing work hard? That's anxiety. Anxiety is everywhere in the creative process. Learn what to do about it! MASTER YOUR CREATIVE ANXIETY NOW provides the answers. Learn the sources of your anxiety and anxiety management tools and techniques that will help you create regularly and deeply.

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  14 Day Yoga Cleanse

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