You may feel driven and want to work hard today. Your need to succeed could negatively affect your physical and mental well-being if you don't set reasonable expectations for yourself and make time for enjoying activities that take your mind off of your duties. As you work diligently to finish projects, assess whether your agenda allows time for recreation and rest. You'll likely be more alert and more focused on your goal-oriented tasks if you are not taxing yourself as you accomplish your day's duties. Working at a slower, steadier pace could keep you feeling relaxed today while still allowing time for you to fulfill your obligations.

Having reasonable expectations for yourself and letting them be your guide when pursuing goals can help you avoid becoming mentally overwhelmed and physically exhausted. Many people take on too great a level of responsibility because they feel like they must. Having reasonable expectations for yourself, however, allows you to work persistently without overworking yourself. You'll also tend to feel successful at the end of each day because you've accomplished what you set out to do. Once you've completed your routine, you'll have enough energy to fulfill your obligations and engage in the activities you enjoy. When you set reasonable expectations for yourself today, attending to your multitude of duties will fulfill you instead of exhaust you.