You may be in a bighearted mood today and on the lookout for opportunities to give to others. The blessings you have received in life could cause you to feel generous and abundant. You may have the means at your disposal to financially support a friend in need or give lavish gifts to your treasured loved ones. You may discover, however, that you feel most fulfilled when you are using your abundance to improve the lives of others. Consider donating to a charity today that touches your heart or using your social connections to arrange an event that will raise money for a worthy cause. You will likely find that using your wealth and the support of the people you care about to make a positive difference in the world can make you feel wonderful.

One of the most fulfilling ways of celebrating your abundance involves spreading that abundance among those who need it most. Sharing your abundance lets you share your joy, and the gratitude you receive from the individuals whose lives you touch with your generosity is often far more satisfying than the experiences that money can buy. As you help others, you can rest assured that the blessings you have received are being put to positive use and that you are distributing not only resources but also happiness. When you spread your abundance today, you will feel that your resources have been put to good use.