Sunday, October 31, 2021

Overcoming Meaninglessness

Overcoming Meaninglessness

Even in those moments that don't seem so meaningful, meaning is something that you can cultivate, influence, and even coax into existence.

Dear Friends,

"What is the meaning of life?", is one of the questions that many self-aware beings ask. And, having a sense of purpose is something that we all deserve and can obtain. If you are in search of guidance in this area, you are not alone. Today we're speaking with therapist and mental health advocate Eric Maisel, about his DailyOM course, Overcoming Meaninglessness. Please read on.

Course Overview
Every person has the power to live a life of purpose. In this inspiring course, therapist and coach Eric Maisel will guide you in uncovering what is truly meaningful to you and how to act in accordance. Expert insights and practices will offer the support to overcome the things that aren't serving you, in order to gain balance and contententment. By the end, you'll have a greater and lasting sense of clarity and intention.
  • Receive a new lesson every day for 8 days (total of 8 lessons).
  • Have lifetime access to the course for reference whenever you want.
  • Select the amount you can afford, and get the same course as everyone.
  • If you are not 100% satisfied, you may request a refund.
How much do you want to pay?


This is the total amount for all 8 lessons

Interview With Eric Maisel

DailyOM: Why is it so important to cultivate meaning in one's life?

Eric Maisel: Meaning is first of all and primarily a psychological experience. When our running subjective experience has a certain resonant quality to it -- maybe it is a feeling of rightness, an integrative quality, or an experience of significance or joy -- we have the sensation that life possesses meaning. At such times life feels like it matters, makes sense, is all right, and so on. But human beings aren't trained to notice and name these experiences as meaningful. For example, we might spend an afternoon walking the back streets of a French town wearing a smile on our face because something has been stirred in us but nevertheless not credit that afternoon as a meaningful moment. We had the experience but we did not know to label it as such or to credit it as such. For this reason, the majority of these real-life moments pass by unnoticed and do not get credit.

How you conceptualize meaning matters. If you hold that it is outside of yourself and must be tracked down, that's one idea. If, however, you conceive of it as a subjective experience, that it sometimes comes unbidden and that it can also be coaxed into existence, and that when it is absent you must try to create it rather than try to search for it -- then you are holding a very different idea of meaning. It should go without saying that what sort of idea you hold about meaning matters a great deal, in fact, it completely dictates how you will live your life and how you will experience life.

DailyOM: What kinds of meaning can we have? Can we have more than one, and can it change over time?

EM: Meaning is primarily a subjective experience, one that you can cultivate, influence, and coax into existence. You can craft a smart, functional idea of it to rally around even if something you are doing isn't feeling all that meaningful. For example, you might decide to write a novel as one of your life purposes, but you might find the experience of writing it more arduous than meaningful. To keep yourself on track and motivated, you would say to yourself, "I understand that I am living my life purpose by writing this novel, that it is meaningful to me even though it has challenges. This makes sense to me, "I understand that something that may prove meaningful to do may not feel meaningful in the doing." By understanding it this way and by maintaining a clear perspective on how it operates, you keep in good spirits even if your daily efforts are not feeling all that meaningful. You remember to not give up on the possibility of experiencing meaning just because a given did not provide the feeling you were after. You continue to live your life's purpose, remaining hopeful that by living it lots of meaning will be generated.

DailyOM: What causes us to lose, or diminish, our life's meaning?

EM: Not getting in the habit of naming and living your life's purposes. What are your life purposes? Do you know? You may know many things, have plenty of insights into your nature, have an excellent sense of your strengths and weaknesses, possess strong feelings about how the world operates, feel pretty sure that you have a nose for right and wrong, and yet you may never have translated all that knowledge and all those insights into a coherent vision of how you intend to live your life. Naming your life purposes involves connecting the dots among your desires, your appetites, your dreams, your goals, your values, your principles, your intentions, and everything else pressing down on you and welling up within you. If you were to try to really connect all those dots, you would likely never find a way to make good use of that. The better answer is to keep it simple.

This simplicity I call a life purpose statement. In one great gulp, you take into account the values you want to uphold, the dreams and goals you have for yourself, the vision you have for comporting yourself in the world, and spend whatever time it takes to turn that unwieldy, contradictory material into a coherent statement that reflects your current core sentiments about your life. In this course, you will learn how to create and implement your life purpose statement. This is great learning and something that will hold you in good stead for the rest of your life. Having a portable life purpose statement that you can take with you wherever you go and use in every life situation defends you against meaninglessness.

DailyOM: Tell us about the types of practices and homework you offer.

EM: As one example, you will learn how to seize meaning opportunities. Our mental health depends on us having a good sense of what promotes the experience of purpose in us. This array of possibly meaningful experiences -- this menu of meaning opportunities -- is large and in a certain sense infinite. But there are nine special, strong possibilities: love, good works, creativity, excellence, relationships, stewardship, experimentation, pleasure, and self-actualization, and these we carefully examine in this course. You will also learn how to engage in quick meaning repair. Every day we're bombarded by small (and sometimes large) threats to our experience of life as meaningful. Maybe you're a writer and get a particularly painful rejection. Suddenly writing (and life itself) may seem that much less meaningful. Or maybe you've invested in your home business. Just as you're about to launch your product or service you notice that someone has beaten you to the punch. You are likely to experience that bit of bad luck as a blow to your sense of the meaningfulness of life. To deal with these regular blows, the quick meaning repair habit to acquire is the following one: 1) You recognize that something important has happened. You admit that a blow has occurred. 2) You feel the feeling. Emotional health is not helped by repression of feelings or denial of reality. 3) You remind yourself that meaningfulness is a wellspring and a renewable resource as soon as the pain subsides. 4) You actually make new meaning by taking appropriate action: by sending out your novel again or by actively marketing your product or service.

DailyOM: What do you hope students will achieve by the end of this course?

EM: They will learn how to make value-based meaning. One of your goals in life, if you would like to live authentically, is to live your life meaningfully and to have that align with your values. A sunny day, a bit of tomfoolery, anything might provoke the experience of significance as long as it is in alignment with your values and your life purpose choices. The phrase value-based meaning-making stands for your thoughtful judgments about how you want to provoke the experience of meaning. Ah, but the effort to make value-based meaning is such a serious and challenging one! It is not at all simple or straightforward to choose to do the right thing when you want to do the impulsive thing. It is ever so hard to honor your values when your liberty or your ease is at stake. It is seriously challenging to escape from or transcend your formed personality, with its habitual demands and its repetitive thoughts. It is quite a project even to know what values to support in the real-life situations that tumble before us one after another without pause. This class will help you understand the concept of value-based meaning and how to put it into practice in your life so that you never have to experience meaninglessness again.

How Does It Work?
Starting today, you will receive a new lesson every day for 8 days (total of 8 lessons). Each lesson is yours to keep and you'll be able to refer back to it whenever you want. And if you miss a lesson or are too busy to get to it that day, each lesson will conveniently remain in your account so you won't have to search for it when you're ready to get back to it.

Free Gift
As a free gift, when you sign up for this course, you will also receive the award-winning DailyOM inspiration newsletter which gives you daily inspirational thoughts for a happy, healthy and fulfilling day. We will also let you know about other courses and offers from DailyOM and Eric Maisel that we think you might be interested in.

Get Started Now
We are offering this course with the option of selecting how much you want to pay. No matter how much you pay, you'll be getting the same course as everybody else. We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the course with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money.

How much do you want to pay?


This is the total amount for all 8 lessons

Thank you, Eric. He brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to this topic and course, which offers not only helpful ideas and information, but also tools and practices that you can use for a lifetime. Reclaim your value-based meaning, and live with purpose. Until next time.

Be well,


For more information visit:
> Overcoming Meaninglessness


DailyOM Course Spotlight

The 2 Week Fascia Miracle

by Erin Tietz

Fascia stretching is often credited as the most effective low impact exercise, as it can help develop foundational strength, increase circulation, and hydrate the entire body. In this highly beneficial course, holistic exercise specialist Erin Tietz, will show you how you can wake up feeling more vibrant and ready to meet the physical demands of the day. You'll learn a series of gentle movements that will support your connective tissue and get rid of any aches and pains. By the end of this course, you will have everything you need to continue to care for your fascia, feel great, and move with more fluidity and ease.

Learn More

Top 10 DailyOM Courses

1. The 9 Minute Science-Based Workout
2. Moving On From Destructive Relationships
3. 10 Days of Morning Stretches
4. Shedding Your Menopausal Middle in 10 Days
5. Activate Your Fascia, Free Your Body
6. Faster Fitness Over 40
7. A Year of Writing to Uncover the Authentic Self
8. The 2 Week Fascia Miracle
9. Breaking Free From Addiction
10. Chair Yoga for Healing, Strength and Mobility

New Courses

From Emotional Distress to Emotional Bliss
Unlocking the Inner Magic of Ideas
Activate Your Fascia, Free Your Body
Beginner Restorative Yoga

> More Courses

Cancer Horoscope: Talking It Out

Talking It Out

October 31, 2021

If your mind is restless today, you may find yourself feel distressed by recurring thoughts. You may feel talkative and compelled to earnestly express yourself. At the same time, you may also feel hesitant to share your onrush of ideas and emotions with others. Relief could be found, however, by releasing your fears and allowing yourself the freedom to articulate your thoughts. Persistent, circular patterns of thought will likely disappear when you share your concerns with trusted loved ones or associates who can offer alternative perspectives. Consider writing your notions down if you have difficulty putting them into words. You'll likely discover that people are accepting of your thoughts and eager to help you come to terms with them. You may also find solace today in discussing your thoughts with a counselor or knowledgeable mentor.

Putting your thoughts into words and sharing them with people you trust can help you calm a restless mind. It can be highly difficult to rid ourselves of recurring loops of thought, particularly when our minds are fixed on a subject we feel strongly about. Simply talking about what you are thinking and feeling can sometimes still a reeling mind and put you at ease. The pattern in which you've been mentally mired is broken. Giving voice to what you're thinking of rids you of the burden of isolation and helps you recruit additional perspectives to help you process what's on your mind. Speaking out loud helps you energetically set your thoughts free. When you share your thoughts today, the flood of ideas that have been barraging you may slow down to a modest drip.

DailyOM Course Spotlight

The 2 Week Fascia Miracle

by Erin Tietz

Fascia stretching is often credited as the most effective low impact exercise, as it can help develop foundational strength, increase circulation, and hydrate the entire body. In this highly beneficial course, holistic exercise specialist Erin Tietz, will show you how you can wake up feeling more vibrant and ready to meet the physical demands of the day. You'll learn a series of gentle movements that will support your connective tissue and get rid of any aches and pains. By the end of this course, you will have everything you need to continue to care for your fascia, feel great, and move with more fluidity and ease.

Learn More

Top 10 DailyOM Courses

1. The 9 Minute Science-Based Workout
2. Moving On From Destructive Relationships
3. 10 Days of Morning Stretches
4. Shedding Your Menopausal Middle in 10 Days
5. Activate Your Fascia, Free Your Body
6. Faster Fitness Over 40
7. A Year of Writing to Uncover the Authentic Self
8. The 2 Week Fascia Miracle
9. Breaking Free From Addiction
10. Chair Yoga for Healing, Strength and Mobility

New Courses

From Emotional Distress to Emotional Bliss
Unlocking the Inner Magic of Ideas
Activate Your Fascia, Free Your Body
Beginner Restorative Yoga

> More Courses

Saturday, October 30, 2021

The 9 Minute Science-Based Workout

The 9 Minute Science-Based Workout

20,821 people have taken this course

As we age, we lose a few pounds of muscle every decade, which slows down our metabolism. Many people assume that this process is inevitable and that there is not a lot they can do about it. However, it's possible to re-ignite your metabolism, regain muscle mass and tone, and burn fat more efficiently at any age. By learning specific techniques and the right combination of exercises, you will become stronger, leaner, and maintain a healthy body composition for many years.

Transform Your Body and Metabolism in Just Two Weeks

With this revolutionary 14-day course, you'll learn how to take a scientific approach to your training by using techniques that will make the most efficient impact on your total health and fitness. In each day's nine-minute training session, you'll develop the specific skills that will help you maintain a healthy body composition and the most optimized metabolic rate. With these techniques, you can easily add them to your ongoing exercise regime to keep reaping the benefits.

Fitness expert Stefanie Turner will take you through her favorite proven exercises for boosting your total health and basal metabolic rate. Metabolic rate refers to the rate at which your body converts calories consumed into fuel for the body's use. A high metabolic rate is beneficial as it allows your body to efficiently burn energy instead of storing it. By eliminating excess energy in the body, you can effectively obtain and maintain optimal body composition.

All You Need is a Yoga Mat

One of the best things about this course is that you don't need any equipment other than a yoga mat for comfort. These training sessions are designed to suit all fitness levels, and will become incrementally more challenging as the course progresses. Modifications for beginners and options for advanced fitness levels will be provided throughout the training.

You'll learn:
  • How to include high-intensity interval training (HIIT) in your training sessions, and why it's so important to do so.
  • The correct technique for many HIIT exercises, with a variety of great HIIT exercises you can include in your sessions moving forward.
  • A variety of strength-training drills that target different muscle groups without the use of any equipment.
  • How to include yoga training to optimize your metabolic rate and hormone profile. You'll also learn correct alignment and breathing techniques for executing these yoga poses.
  • How to link HIIT, strength training, and yoga in the same training session.
  • The role of sleep in optimizing your health in relation to your recovery and your training results.
A five-minute warm-up of moderate intensity, such as a brisk walk, is recommended before each lesson to help the body and mind warm up and prepare, as well as to decrease the risk of any injury.

The Three Main Training Tools Taught in This Course


The first training system you will learn is high-intensity interval training (HIIT). This method involves quick and very intense bursts of energy. HIIT has been scientifically proven to increase metabolic rate, and keep it burning strong hours after your HIIT session has ended. HIIT is designed to increase your heart rate and challenge your muscles. On a chemical level, as your heart rate increases, fat is slowly released from the body's fat stores, and this released fat circulates throughout your blood and is then taken up by your muscles to use as fuel for your training.

Another important reason why HIIT has such a positive effect on quickening our metabolic rate is due to a process called Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption (EPOC). When you work out your entire body, including lower body, upper body, and core muscles, you create the need for the body to recover, which means it's in need of more EPOC. The EPOC recovery process can last up to three hours after a training session, meaning that as your body calls on more energy to recover from the training session, the more calories are burned at rest.

Strength Training

The second training technique you will learn is how to sculpt lean muscle with body-weight resistance. Think of your muscles as energy-burning furnaces! The more muscle mass your body has, the higher your metabolic rate. This means you can burn higher levels of energy, even when you're resting!

Another reason it's beneficial to build stronger muscles is because you'll be able to endure more intense training sessions, meaning you'll burn more calories during workouts. It's also important to note that as your fitness increases, it is beneficial to incorporate higher resistance into your training, such as lifting weights, to ensure you are constantly challenging your body and don't reach plateau.


The third form of training you will learn is yoga. Contrary to what many people may assume, a calming yoga practice can do wonders for your metabolic rate. Constant stress and anxiety can cause your body to create too much of the stress hormone cortisol. High levels of this stress hormone can change how your body metabolizes and stores fat, generally sending it to your belly where it negatively affects your vital organs and figure.

Through restorative, calming, and mindful yoga, you'll learn how to actively lower stress as well as help the body in its recovery from the more strenuous HIIT and strength training, allowing you to continuously train for 14 days straight.
By learning all these important training techniques in this exceptional course, you'll efficiently put your best foot forward and take an active stand to optimize your overall fitness, health and wellness. Learning the foundations of a well-rounded training program will set you up for a healthy and rewarding training journey throughout your life. Let's get you started today!

What People Are Saying About This Course

"Thank you Stefanie. This was excellent for those days when I needed something quick and powerful. I love the combination of HIIT with yoga. I'll be repeating it many times and hope to see another course one day!" -Donna

"This class is a perfect beginning to my day. Just enough intensity but short length that I don't feel it is too much of a commitment before I have my first cuppa of the morning." -Ali

"Sessions with Stef always feel safe, welcoming, and peaceful. The classes seem to fly by, but I always finish feeling stronger, healthier, and fitter. Stef is an amazing instructor, full of encouragement without being pushy. She really inspires you to push your boundaries and improve yourself with each class." -Crystelle

"Stef's classes are both challenging and rewarding, exactly what a fitness class should be! Her combination of training styles is unique and engaging. I finish every class feeling better about myself and my body. Stef's attention to detail shows she knows her stuff and genuinely cares about teaching. I highly recommend training with Stef. Your legs, abs, butt, and chest will thank you for it!" -William

"I feel so lucky to have found Stef, she's passionate, fun, and full of knowledge. Stef's commitment and love for what she does drives me to be the best I can be in each session, and I'm already seeing improvement in my strength and flexibility. I'm looking forward to developing and having Stef as my inspiration to get to where I want to be." -Jaz

"I have loved every minute of training with Stefanie. She is the perfect combination of thorough and friendly, she pushes each exercise to the perfect amount of time so you are never bored but always working to your full capacity. The combination of her positive and real outlook on life along with her evident passion for transforming people's lives through fitness is a potent motivational combination. Her background in dance, yoga, Pilates, and personal training makes her the ideal trainer for anyone who wants to learn to move gracefully, with strength. I cannot recommend Stefanie highly enough as a trainer." -Isabella

About Stefanie Turner
Stefanie's love of health and fitness was born out of a desire to forge a career as a professional dancer. Combining intensive performing-arts training with pilates and yoga was critical in helping her reach the fitness goals specific to excelling in her career as an international musical theater artist and dancer. While injury prevention and rehabilitation became some of Stefanie's top priorities in training, some major life events made her turn to yoga as a way of coping with stress and building up her resilience and self-confidence.

From beginners to professional athletes, each student that participates in Stefanie's classes benefits from her mission to facilitate their fitness and wellness journey. Stefanie is a Nike trainer--and a leading yoga, pilates, dance, and fitness instructor for the brand. She also runs her own boutique Pilates, barre, and yoga studio, Performance Pilates & Yoga, in Melbourne, Australia, and delivers corporate fitness and wellness sessions within companies throughout Australia.

How Does It Work?
Starting today, you will receive a new lesson every day for 2 weeks (total of 14 lessons). Each lesson is yours to keep and you'll be able to refer back to it whenever you want. And if you miss a lesson or are too busy to get to it that day, each lesson will conveniently remain in your account so you won't have to search for it when you're ready to get back to it.

Free Gift
As a free gift, when you sign up for this course, you will also receive the award-winning DailyOM inspiration newsletter which gives you daily inspirational thoughts for a happy, healthy and fulfilling day. We will also let you know about other courses and offers from DailyOM and Stefanie Turner that we think you might be interested in.

Get Started Now
We are offering this course with the option of selecting how much you want to pay. No matter how much you pay, you'll be getting the same course as everybody else. We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the course with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money.

How much do you want to pay?


This is the total amount for all 14 lessons

For more information visit:
> The 9 Minute Science-Based Workout


DailyOM Course Spotlight

Activate Your Fascia, Free Your Body

by Erin Tietz

Fascia stretching is effective, low impact bodywork that improves flexibility, mobility, and physical performance. In this course, holistic exercise specialist Erin Tietz, provides educational lessons on how to reach deeper into the body, in order to attain personal health and fitness goals. Guided movements will help properly increase circulation to hydrate joints and get rid of stiffness and aches. By the end, you'll have everything you need to wake up feeling more vibrant and able to meet the demands of the day.

Learn More

Top 10 DailyOM Courses

1. 10 Days of Morning Stretches
2. Moving On From Destructive Relationships
3. Shedding Your Menopausal Middle in 10 Days
4. A Year of Writing to Uncover the Authentic Self
5. The 2 Week Fascia Miracle
6. Faster Fitness Over 40
7. Activate Your Fascia, Free Your Body
8. Breaking Free From Addiction
9. Chair Yoga for Healing, Strength and Mobility
10. Strengthening Your Pelvic Floor

New Courses

From Emotional Distress to Emotional Bliss
Unlocking the Inner Magic of Ideas
Activate Your Fascia, Free Your Body
Beginner Restorative Yoga

> More Courses