Mellowness may be your defining characteristic today. A stressful situation or encounter will likely have little effect on your overall disposition. However, you may still want to recover from worldly tensions, and your home can represent the perfect retreat. If you find that your home does not soothe you as it should, you may need to devote a portion of your time to nesting activities. This can be a wonderful day to clear the clutter from your rooms and passageways and to cleanse your space of objects and detritus that no longer serve any purpose in your life. Once energy can flow freely through your home, you will likely discover how tranquil and spiritually fulfilling a place it can be.

By simply clearing our homes of clutter, we open conduits through which positive energy can flow, making our personal spaces feel more comforting and peaceful than ever before. No longer must we come face to face with an erratic or stifled atmosphere upon entering our homes. Rather, we are greeted by an environment of refreshment that provides a wonderfully soothing counterpoint to the harshness of our outer-world realities. Our homes become sanctuaries into which we can retreat when life becomes too stressful or when we feel overwhelmed by worldly obligations. There, we can truly relax and comfortably engage in those activities that enable us to satisfy our deepest personal needs. The time you spend in your home today will afford you an opportunity to ground yourself and prepare you for future challenges.