You may be surprised to discover that others find you imposing today and are thus more likely to adopt your point of view in discourse. Yet even as you make a powerful impact in your environment, spreading truths among loved ones and colleagues, you may feel dissatisfied because you realize that your persuasiveness is likely a matter of intimidation. You can remedy this by channeling your strength and self-assurance into the bank of knowledge at your disposal. If you are both sure of yourself and well informed today, others will likely be more inclined to pay close attention to what you have to say.

The strength of the impact we make is often less important than the validity of the information we convey when interacting with others in a focused manner. Particularly when our goals and the goals of the people around us do not match up, we must enter into negotiations with a clear notion of what it is that we wish to communicate. It is easy to make an imposing impression, as all it takes is a forcefulness of personality that can be learned. If we want to demonstrate our commitment to our individual purpose, however, we must have a firm grasp of the topic at hand and an even more sophisticated argument at our disposal. When we focus on substance rather than swagger, our confidence and surety is more than evident. The people you interact with today will be impressed by your manner and won over by your knowledge.