When interacting with others today, you will likely adopt an attitude of respectful esteem that varies little as you move from one person to the next. Should someone close to you need assistance, you may find that you are the first to rise and offer it. You may even feel that it is your duty to provide for those who cannot provide for themselves at this time. Regardless of the social standing or level of prominence of those you encounter, your demeanor will likely remain the same. Consequently, you may find that you make friends easily today because all you meet are impressed by the overwhelming spirit of generosity and courteousness you exhibit.

The unvarying courtesy we show others is proof of our commitment to the notion that all human beings deserve kindness and respect. Whether or not the individuals we encounter are known to us, we can recognize their innate value, and our response to this knowledge is to afford them the civility we believe they are due. This allows us to interact with a wide range of people from varying belief systems and cultures without feeling discomfited by the differences that divide us from one another. Since we value humanity above all other traits, our first impulse will always be to treat the people we meet as equals whose hopes, dreams, and values are worthy of our consideration. You will no doubt attract the positive attention of others today as they bear witness to your commitment to courteousness.