Your intense dedication can be your undoing today if you focus too intently on your outer world goals. Because you likely feel an almost overwhelming need to work diligently toward your professional goals or aspirations related to your ongoing spiritual growth, you may let your personal needs fall by the wayside unintentionally. You can easily increase your potential for success in all arenas of accomplishment, however, by shifting your focus slightly so that you can concentrate on both achieving worldly success and achieving personal wellness. The more fit you are in body and soul today, the more energy and drive you will likely have to channel into your many projects.

The siren song of success calls to many of us, prompting us to devote a large portion of our time and energy to pursuits designed to attract abundance, power, and approval. However, our ability to take a dream and turn it into reality is dependent upon many factors unrelated to outer world circumstances. During our time on earth, we should always remember that the maintenance of our whole self-health and wellness is the greatest project we will ever have cause to undertake. When we are as dedicated to this vital endeavor as we are to our personal and professional pursuits, we make certain that we always have the energy and enthusiasm we need to meet the challenges inherent in the goal realization process. Your dedication will never waver today when you are conscientious about addressing your individual needs.