A need to convince others of the validity of your opinions or personal philosophy can come over you today, causing you to act out persuasively when you feel your ideals are being challenged. You may want nothing more than to convince the people around you to adopt your point of view, yet you will likely find that accomplishing this proves more difficult than you might anticipate. If you wish to use your personal power to influence how others think and feel today, consider that much of that power likely lies in your readiness to treat your peers with respect and courtesy. If you explain your perspective politely, others will be more apt to listen.

Our ability to show others the validity of our way of thinking is rooted in our readiness to fully explicate and clarify the reasons why we have adopted our positions on certain matters. Forcefulness can be hugely off-putting to those who are unsure of whether a particulate point of view is valid. It is more information, not coercion, that will ease their uncertainty. When others doubt our ideas or beliefs, the thorough and rational explanations we provide give them a clearer insight into our reasons for choosing to interpret worldly stimuli as we do. They are then equipped to make an informed decision that may or may not lead them to adopt our viewpoints. Whatever their choice, however, they will appreciate that we did not pressure them in any way. The persuasion you employ today will be of the gentlest sort, and you will win over other's hearts quite readily.