A feeling of vigor and physical strength may have you seeking sports or physical activities to participate in today. This athletic feeling may also translate into tackling projects that require manual labor as well as dancing or gardening. As spiritual beings having a human experience, we have the opportunity to explore all the different ways our bodies allow us to understand life. We can let physical motion become a celebration of living today, and let the world be our canvas for its expression.

Channeling our energy through our bodies offers physical release. It is important to seek that sense of balance in our lives in our mind, body, and spirit, and between our inner and outer worlds. When we can focus our energy fully on one of these at a time, we experience the fullness that each has to offer. We can feel fully alive when we find ways to channel our energy that allow us to utilize body, mind, and spirit at once, such as yoga or dance. Our bodies are the temples of our lives, the home for our spirits, the vessel and vehicle for our journeys through the world. Knowing that our muscles and tissues hold the energy of our emotions and spiritual paths, we take care to do whatever we need to do to keep them working, moving, and expressing. We harness our physical strength and choose to build upon it, broadening our abilities and our choices. Today we embrace our bodies for all they allow us to feel and all the ways they help us to experience the bliss of living.