Adoration may be your overriding emotion today, and you may find that you are expressing this love for others affectionately. As you give others the gift of your love, you may be encouraged by the joy that lights up their faces. As you reach out to share the gift of touch with them, you also get to experience its warmth. This may open the door for you to express more amorous feelings for someone, whether they are a new interest or an established relationship. In any case, your adoring expressions will move you as much as they do others today.

There are so many times when we think of someone lovingly but forget how important it is to share these feelings with them. We may think we are sending signals that are loud and clear, but they might be too subtle for others to understand. In order to fully enjoy the gifts that love of any kind can bring into our lives, we need to give others the gift of letting them know how we feel about them. Though our gift may not always elicit the response we might desire, when it is sincere and from the heart, we are giving to the universe and will receive it back, though it may seem to come from a different source. When we make the effort to express our positive feelings honestly and openly, we give permission for others to share their feelings with us as well. Today allow yourself give the gift of affection, knowing it is never a wasted effort.