You could be more attuned to the struggles of people, which could make you feel a greater level of compassion for those around you today. It may be that your ability to identify with the hardships of others comes from a deeper awareness of your own issues. You might consider spending time in meditation and focusing your attention not only on the problems that we all have but also on the ability we have to free ourselves from whatever worries us. Tonglen, or meditation on compassion, would be a wonderful technique to try today. To do tonglen, you simply imagine that with each inhale you are breathing in the troubles of those around you, and on each exhale you release those troubles into the universe by creating the intention for peace and harmony in the world. This form of meditation can help you cultivate compassion for others without taking on their struggles.

Understanding that we all have the ability to create peace in our lives allows us to work on generating compassion for other people. It can be so easy to want to relieve other people of suffering that we instead assume their problems, making them our own. Tonglen, however, lets us not only give others our empathy and understanding but also makes it easier for us to nurture a loving and peaceful heart through the purity of our intention. By meditating to help others release their struggles today, the space in your heart will expand letting true love and understanding grow.