You might feel charitable today and this could make you more likely to donate your time and charity to help those who are less fortunate than you. Giving to others when you have enough yourself might be a way for you to feel like you are sharing the abundance that the universe has given you. Perhaps this would be a good time to do something that you have been meaning to do to assist other people but simply put off. Volunteering at a local community center, cooking at a shelter or gathering a group of friends to do a local food drive today are all ways in which you can use your resources, time and energy to give to another. If you keep in mind that these acts of charity are an extension of the unconditional love of the universe that exists within you, you may find an even deeper meaning in your acts of kindness.

Real philanthropy comes from our hearts. When we give to others there are often many reasons for doing so, for example, we might use the opportunity to feel better about ourselves. The true act of giving, however, is something that is based on the love we have within us, that is, it is an extension of the gifts that the universe has blessed us with. Realizing this makes what we do much more meaningful for those whom we serve. Offering what you have to others from your heart today will also have greater significance for those you help.