You might feel conscientious about what you do and how you do it, which could mean that you are more apt to take your work responsibilities seriously today. This sense of dedication to your working life might be due to your desire to make a positive impact on the world around you. Doing your work mindfully and with full awareness could not only make you much more efficient, but it might also help you to recognize just how much you are able to contribute to making the world a better place. As you go about your tasks today, you might want to take short breaks in which you use your breath as a means to ground yourself and become more aware of what you are doing. Just becoming attuned to your breath periodically throughout the day can make you so much more conscious of the ways in which you work as well as your progress.

Incorporating mindfulness breaks into our day is a wonderful way to bring a greater amount of alertness and insight into our working lives. When we are engrossed in our tasks, it is easy for us to work without any sort of awareness at all – our work can then become mechanical and mindless. Using your breath as an anchor today, however, will allow you to bring your focus back into the moment so that you can see what you are doing and reflect on how our dedication will pay off in the long run.