The following is an excerpt from the "Heal Your Money Karma" on-line course. If you would like to enroll in the course, click here.

When we gain awareness of our ancestral money patterns, we have the ability to create spaciousness around our unproductive money habits and beliefs. Spaciousness helps us loosen our grip on old patterns so that they can begin to unravel and we can develop new money habits and beliefs that serve us. We are often impulsive when it comes to money. Training ourselves to pause in the midst of reactivity energetically opens us up to a creative thought, a new insight, a new way of behaving. The money breath you will learn, for example, adds a much-needed pause to this contracted area in our life.

Transforming Old Patterns

The spiritual tools are now available for us to challenge our initiation into money and undo the conditioning of childhood money messages. In place of worn beliefs and undermining behaviors, we can affirm new beliefs and behaviors which align with who we are today.

Healing Emotions Around Money

Money has remained in shadow for so long that when we consciously bring it into the light and simply acknowledge the darkness, shame, and fear that we have around money, we begin to transform our old patterns. Being in denial, obsession, or resistance with any of our patterns, keeps them firmly in place. If you doubt this, observe your friends' money patterns. If they are in denial, obsession, or resistance, don't their patterns stay in place?

Discovering and Balancing Your Financial Archetype

Your life experiences caused you to develop certain financial beliefs and habits and to avoid others. We have noticed that, although the details of people's behaviors and problems are unique, there are great similarities among certain groups of people. We've created some broad definitions of these groups, or archetypes, so that people can learn from others who have gone through similar experiences. The value of defining these archetypes is that they give us a basis for understanding how we came to have our current financial life, and practices to pursue in order to create the financial life we most want.

Living an Authentic Money Life

When we gain awareness of the truth of our conditioning, we are naturally compelled to increase our resonance with what we really want in our lives and to create an authentic money life for ourselves.
This is about healing and undoing the old programming so that we can uncover our own path towards financial wellness, generosity, and prosperity consciousness. Unfortunately, so many of us have been living the lives of our ancestors despite our best efforts not to continue this conditioning. Now, you can use revolutionary tools to birth a new relationship to money that actually nourishes our spirits and allows us to live gracefully, mindfully, joyously, and abundantly on this planet.