You may be feeling drained today, weary from the excessive output of your physical energy. You might know exactly what you have been doing to cause such an imbalance, but you may also need to evaluate your choices. If you don't know why you feel drained, you will certainly want to look deeply at the ways you've invested your energy. Before you can do that with any level of competency, however, you must take time to rest and rejuvenate. Today by allowing yourself to recharge, you may be able to prevent yourself from manifesting physical illness and also give yourself the chance to rebalance your life.

Many of us take on too much, believing that we can do it all ourselves, or that we will do it better than anyone else. We may feel a sense of duty or thrive off the feeling that we are needed. We are each like a battery powering our connections. If we imagine unplugging ourselves from everything, then we can choose one by one what is most important and plug those back in. We can look at what feeds our spirit and what merely feeds our egos, which connections help us build toward the life we want and which distract us from our true goals. Then we can find creative ways to hand over the ones we choose to release to the care of others, rather than just abandoning them. Today while we rest, we also reevaluate the ways we invest our energy to get the greatest returns.