You may be feeling today as you feel that you are able to charm all you meet. You may hear repeatedly today that you have a delightful personality, and it could make you feel enchanting. You probably already realize that it is your light that delights others, more than anything else about you. Charisma is far more attractive than appearance alone, so even beautiful people must develop character in order to keep the attention their looks attract. You can probably think of more truly powerful and talented people in the world than you can of those who are only famous because of their outer shell. Today, whether your outer shell is polished to a high gloss or left wild and natural like a garden shaped by nature, it is your character that enchants and personality that appeals to others.

Each of us has something unique to share with the world, and it is our job to find out what that is, because in finding it, we will also find our purpose. Yours may not be a grand and exalted contribution, but it doesn't make it any less important or any less able to touch people around you. We are at our most appealing when we are being fully ourselves, exhibiting our talents and passions if only because we don't care to hide them and they make us happy. When we are at our brightest and best, we attract those who are most like us to share the joys of being ourselves. Today shine your light and let the world enjoy you.