Today you will likely feel capable and self-assured, even when you are facing seemingly insurmountable challenges. Recent successes and encouragement received from people you respect can shape your concept of self in a positive way. As you address your myriad duties, your ability to handle unexpected issues will likely be augmented by a newly developed adeptness. Since you no doubt feel that your expertise and intelligence prove that you are more than qualified to handle any tasks the universe chooses to put in your path, you may find it easier and more satisfying than usual today to deal effectively with the small but potentially irksome incidents using your skills and talents.

Our confidence in our abilities increases as we learn to trust in our own competence. Though achieving the necessary level of faith may take some time, it is only when we begin to believe in ourselves that we can face challenges without doubting the inevitability of our eventual success. As the fear of failure becomes a nonissue, we can broaden the range of challenges we are willing to tackle in our personal and professional lives. We understand that we are capable of achieving any goal we choose to embrace, even when doing so means making sacrifices or challenging ourselves. This knowledge eventually allows us to formulate bigger and better dreams that help us realize our true purpose. Since you feel adept and qualified to achieve your dreams today, you will feel comfortable extending yourself by taking on ambitious goals.