Discipline will likely be your watchword today as you consider how you plan to utilize the many hours before you. Since you are likely focused on getting your duties finished before relaxing, you may find that you can immerse yourself in these obligatory tasks without your attention wandering. Likewise, this newly developed dedication to the tenets of duty can serve as the source of reliability and responsibility as you may appreciate the relative importance of each of your many survival tasks more than usual. Each item you cross off your agenda today will likely provide you with a rich feeling of accomplishment that can make your leisure time more satisfying.

When we see to our duties in a responsible and timely fashion, worries regarding tasks left unfinished will not have the power to distract us from our larger purpose. We are free to simply be because we have addressed those obligations required of us by our individual circumstances. However we choose to spend our time, we need never waste valuable time and energy mulling over what we have not yet accomplished. Keeping a schedule ensures that we always have sufficient time to work through our day\'s agenda, and the blocks of time set aside for each of our tasks guarantees a smooth progression from duty to duty. Our free hours are then truly free as they are unmarred by extraneous thoughts. The discipline with which you make use of your day today will help you glean maximum satisfaction from each waking moment.