You could feel carefree today, which could be due to a desire to seize every moment of the day. This feeling of freedom might make you feel young at heart, and you may notice a desire to play in some way today. This would be a good time to give yourself permission to be a kid again. During the day you can promise to let yourself go and feel free from your adult concerns. Perhaps you can go to the park and swing or try a team sport. As you engage in play, release your worries about what others may think of you. Simply remind yourself that by playing you are connecting to your higher self and relishing in the joy of being free and in the moment.

Giving ourselves the time and space to play allows us to unite with the parts of ourselves that are often lost in our grown-up world. So often our lives become bogged down with responsibilities that seem to bind us to everything but the present moment. We worry about what we've done in the past or fret about our future prospects. But when we play we learn to relinquish our fears. By connecting to the youthful part of ourselves, we tap into our ability to remain in the flow of the moment. What people think of us or the things we are afraid of dissolve as we connect to the part of us that is truly free. By letting yourself play today you will discover the freedom of the present moment.