You may be in a contemplative mood today, and find yourself reflecting upon the past. In pondering your experiences to this point, you may see patterns that can help you make better choices for yourself in the future. Perhaps you can also find lessons that can be applied to your current situation. Our past forms the building blocks that help us create our identity, but we always have the choice of what to emphasize and build upon, and what to release from influencing us. As we learn about the world as children, we innocently believe that our experience and what we are taught is the way of the world. As we get older, we may find that the world outside of our home is very different, and then we begin to make choices about the life and the world we want to create. Today by looking to your past, you can create a treasure map for your future.

Looking back to our childhood dreams can be a valuable tool in planning our future. We knew what we wanted to be when we grew up, or at least knew what we found interesting enough to pursue. Somewhere along the way we may have gotten talked out of it, or found some other path to follow, but that desire is still there. We can use that information to choose a mate or a place to live, a more fulfilling career or a hobby that provides a creative outlet. Today you know the clues to discovering your future lay hidden in your past.