People will likely be your first concern today, and your goals may include making others happy, soothing those who are suffering, and spreading joy. A warmhearted mood can prompt you to use your talents and skills to ensure that everyone you encounter feels good about life. You may feel compelled to invite your relatives and friends into your home for an afternoon or evening of loving interaction. Your compassion can also inspire you to do all you can to bring comfort to those who are afflicted by poverty, injustice, or intolerance. This can be a wonderful time to dedicate yourself to a charitable cause by volunteering your time or resources, as the sense of satisfaction you derive from helping others today will likely plant the seed of selfless service in your heart.

Compassion can, at any time, become a larger part of our lives, provided we are willing to make a fresh start by rediscovering the joy of selfless giving. Often, the kindness and consideration we see in the world comes saddled with an alternate agenda that is sometimes only partially related to pure philanthropy. When we make an effort to do good things for the sake of goodness itself, we ensure that our charitable efforts are grounded in bigheartedness. Others understand that the comfort we give is a gift freely given with no conditions attached, and they respond warmly to us. The more we altruistically contribute to the lives of others, the better we become at attracting unconditional joy into our own lives. The concern and care with which you interact with others today will help you integrate compassionate action into your everyday life.