Your passion may make you much more committed to the projects you are interested in today, and this enthusiasm might propel you to see your endeavors through to fruition. Since aligning your passion with your purpose could make it easier for you to cultivate greater interest in what you are doing, you might find it useful to take a few minutes to write down what really speaks to your soul. As you are writing, you can think about how to integrate this feeling of delight into your life and your current responsibilities, trying to keep in mind not to censor or edit your thoughts but simply letting them flow. Asking your soul what it wants today will not only make you much more motivated about what you are doing, but it will also fill you with the energy that comes from doing what fills a greater overall purpose in your life.

Our enthusiasm for our projects knows no bounds when it is connected to the innermost desires of our soul. Nowadays it is easy for us to do things out of a need to please, have a more comfortable life, or gain greater security. Connecting to our passion, however, allows us to work toward something much greater—a deeper understanding of ourselves, our place in this world, and the meaning of our lives. By bringing your passion completely and totally to your work today, your energy, inspiration, and momentum will become limitless.