Your approach to life may be quite practical, which may mean that you approach important matters with a greater amount of common sense today. Having a realistic take on things could bring much more sensibility to the way you think about your life, and you may find it useful to do something that is grounding to place you squarely in the present. A good way to center yourself could be to become aware of your body and how you connect with the supportive energy of the earth. Maybe you can bring your attention to your feet and plant them firmly on the ground. As you breathe, you might imagine that you are drawing healing, centering earth energy into your body, energy that can help you remain steadfast whenever you need to make significant choices today.

Our connection to the earth greatly influences the way we make decisions. Unless we are centered and conscious of our connection with the earth, our ability to see things clearly and coherently is greatly reduced. It is easier for our minds to wander and for us to make choices without thought or awareness. Using the earth to center us, however, brings us into the present moment. When the heavier and supportive earth energy enters our being, it allows us to focus on what is rather than what will be. By becoming conscious of what is supporting you, you will be able to make sound and wise decisions today.