This "slow flow" yoga is very restorative and healing for your entire body and your mind, and it's great for beginners.

Dear Friends,

Today's conversation is with yoga instructor extraordinaire, Nuria Reed about her course Yoga Stretches for Beginners. In this program, you'll receive guided videos that are filmed on the beach and teach a type of yoga that is gentle yet deeply restorative. The gorgeous backdrop makes it feel like you are right there with Nuria with the sand, waves, and fresh ocean air. Let's hear more from her about this beneficial class!

Course Overview
In this course, expert yoga teacher and healer Nuria Reed will provide all of the proper stretches, adjustments, as well as a nurturing environment to establish your very own practice. The lessons are taught in a slow flow style, which gives you plenty of time to ease into each position to awaken, strengthen, and tone your entire body. By the end of this, you will have mastered basic techniques and feel amazing, inside and out.
  • Receive a new lesson every day for 10 days (total of 10 lessons).
  • Have lifetime access to the course for reference whenever you want.
  • Select the amount you can afford, and get the same course as everyone.
  • If you are not 100% satisfied, you may request a refund.

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This is the total amount for all 10 lessons

Interview With Nuria Reed

DailyOM: Your beautiful yoga videos were filmed at the beach. Tell us about the experience of practicing yoga on the beach and why you enjoy it.

Nuria Reed: Practicing yoga on the beach is pure magic! It's wild, elemental, and not all that great for precise alignment techniques! When I am filming or practicing on the beach I have to let go of my attachment to perfection, my ideals of form and alignment. Instead, I let the intuitive rhythm of my body merge with the rhythm of the ocean and tap into the heart of yoga -- which is really about union with Mother Nature and your own wild nature within. It's very much an "inside out" rather than an "outside in" process. The experience of filming on the beach forced me to do just that: to let go of a lot of my outer attachments and release my desire for perfection (as a recovering perfectionist this is hard!).

DailyOM: Can students enjoy this course at home and have a beautiful experience too?

NR: Yes, definitely! You don't need to practice on the beach to experience the true heart of yoga. You can practice this same kind of letting go of expectations, attachment to external perfection, and connect with your breath and your body and the greater rhythms of life right in your home, or wherever you choose to practice. There are actually source texts of yoga that give us very clear instructions as to where yoga should be practiced and what the environment should be like. In particular, one of the instructions is actually "free from sand." A beach does not meet this criterion! With that knowledge, practicing at home or in a quiet environment with a flat, even floor is really ideal according to the sages.

DailyOM: What type of yoga do you teach in this course and how is it set up?

NR: I teach vinyasa flow yoga in the lineage of the great yoga master Krishnamacharya. Vinyasa flow is characterized by a sequence of poses linked by the breath. I have been studying and practicing this type of yoga for over 20 years and as a result of this, my style has evolved into a creative and fluid practice with an emphasis on the breath. Breath is everything! This 10-day course is designed to flow like the natural rhythm of nature, with a focus on moving slowly and mindfully. I call my style of yoga "slow flow," because it really emphasizes moving deeply, slowly, and effortlessly -- holding each yoga pose longer. It's very restorative and healing for your entire body and your mind, and it's great for beginners who are new to yoga. Each lesson includes a video with a full yoga routine and there are also helpful photos and tips.

DailyOM: Please tell us about how this course flows throughout the days.

NR: Each one of the 10 lessons and videos naturally builds into the next one so that by the end of the course you have a solid yoga practice that you can build upon, whether by combining your favorite poses or practicing certain standalone poses for a deeper experience. Additionally, the lessons are organized by sections of the body: hips, core, back, chest. So, there's really an opportunity to go deep in the body, but in a slow, gentle way.

DailyOM: Who should take this course?

NR: This course is designed for someone who is curious to go deeper into the study and mystery of yoga. It is not for someone who is looking for just fit abs (although that will happen), but rather for the person looking to transform their mind, body, and spirit. In terms of physical ability, it would be good to have some general knowledge of basic poses and be in average physical condition. This course is great for beginners, but I would also say it's for all levels. Even though the yoga poses may appear to be easy or basic, you can definitely intensify the pose by holding it for longer and going deeper.

DailyOM: By the end of the course, what changes can students expect in mind, body, and spirit?

NR: Expect to feel transformed. On a physical level, through the practice of yoga, your entire body gets to lengthen, strengthen, stretch, and release all that tightness that you hold onto in your body. All very beneficial for the many systems of the body. Taking time with each exercise to focus, improve on your form, and open up your body are amazing ways to really take your body to the next level. You will feel the strength at your core as you move through each day with confidence. On a mental level, there is a change that happens too.

Most people these days have trouble concentrating; they can think a lot of thoughts but cannot focus on one thing. Through the process of vinyasa flow yoga, the mind becomes focused on the breath -- this is very meditative. Better concentration leads to a quieter mind, and a quieter mind leads to inner peace. It's really simple. Focus on the breath and you will always be in the present moment.

How Does It Work?
Starting today, you will receive a new lesson every day for 10 days (total of 10 lessons). Each lesson is yours to keep and you'll be able to refer back to it whenever you want. And if you miss a lesson or are too busy to get to it that day, each lesson will conveniently remain in your account so you won't have to search for it when you're ready to get back to it.

Free Gift
As a free gift, when you sign up for this course, you will also receive the award-winning DailyOM inspiration newsletter which gives you daily inspirational thoughts for a happy, healthy and fulfilling day. We will also let you know about other courses and offers from DailyOM and Nuria Reed that we think you might be interested in.

Get Started Now
We are offering this course with the option of selecting how much you want to pay. No matter how much you pay, you'll be getting the same course as everybody else. We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the course with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money.

How much do you want to pay?


This is the total amount for all 10 lessons

This course is incredibly calming, relaxing, and welcoming to anyone. You will feel so refreshed and rejuvenated, as if you have just been on an island getaway! Until next time.

Be well,
