You may feel a strong sense of compassion for your fellow man today. You might be feeling restless and want to find ways you can help others in your local community or on a bigger scale. A great place to start is by actively seeking an outlet for your care and compassion. There are endless ways that you can serve, and you just need to figure out which ways inspire you the most. You might think today about how you can use your unique talents and abilities to make a difference. If you have writing skills, office administration, or fund-raising experience, consider volunteering your expertise to an organization that would welcome your assistance. Your compassion will be felt and appreciated by the people that you help. Remember that compassion is an awareness that you can never have too much of.

Seeking ways to serve others can offer a powerful outlet for our compassion and allow us to make a difference in the world. When we remember that even small efforts can effect great change over time, we can be more proactive about finding ways to serve our fellow man. As we devote our time and energy to helping others, we gain a sense of satisfaction because we see that we are making an impact. Finding ways to express your compassion for others today can make you feel empowered because you are making a difference.