Are you looking for closure after a breakup? Have you recently lost a job or making a career change? Or, are you going through another planned or unplanned life change? Although change is a part of life, most people find it to be an isolating and difficult thing to manage. What's important to remember though is that you can get through this and even grow and learn from the loss, without investing months or years of your life to get there. This course explores and tackles how loss and change impacts your life and, more importantly, it will show you how to successfully navigate through this time. You'll be expertly guided through a process of self-realization and enlightenment so that, finally, you can confidently start to live life on your terms, and will emerge from this and any loss with strength and purpose.

You Can Find Strength and Peace

With this enlightening program, you'll be gently led through the process of understanding and honoring your loss or change. You will receive lessons infused with empathetic and empowering wisdom and tools that will support you throughout this journey. Healing rituals, inspiring meditations, and soothing self-care practices will help you reflect, process, and adjust to life during and after this time of change. By the end of this journey, you will have created new pathways that will keep you looking forward to a positive and healthful future, while also being healed and at peace with your past. You can transform this time of stress and uncertainty into something that fortifies and invigorates you.

What is included in this course:
  • Expert tools and proven self-care techniques and practices to help you improve your emotional health, confidence, and focus.
  • Guidance on how to identify, acknowledge, process, and honor your life loss or change.
  • A fascinating study of how the brain functions during times of loss, with guidance on how to use its Reticular Activating System to strengthen your present-moment awareness of goals and intentions.
  • Insights regarding the importance of honoring your past to confidently move into the future, with instructions for how to effectively use your feelings and intuition throughout the process of moving on.
  • A simple action plan to help you take positive steps towards healing every day.
  • Step-by-step directions for building a new life framework for your future.
  • Gentle teachings on creating a daily intention practice to generate constant forward movement in your life.
  • Actionable tips for creating new neural pathways to forge new life opportunities with intention and focus.
  • Powerful meditations and rituals to enable wholeness and reintegration, which will help you make lasting life changes.
  • Lifetime access to this course so you can return to any of the lessons at any time you're experiencing challenging life changes or loss.
Who should take this course:
  • People experiencing a loss or life change such as a breakup, the ending of a friendship, death of a loved one, career change, job loss, or moving to a new location.
  • Anyone who wants to learn compassionate and simple self-care practices that will help them get through difficult or challenging times.
  • Individuals that want to transform difficulties into opportunities for personal growth and development.
  • Those looking for guidance through a loss with expert tools and information to help them recover and rebuild their lives.
  • Everyone who wants to create new movement in areas that have stagnated or stalled in their lives.
By taking the time to build your knowledge and ability to move forward after times of change, you will gain a clear and greater sense of self and life purpose. Get started on this empowering journey today!

What Others Are Saying

"My wife and I took this course together when our child left home. We were having a hard time adjusting to the change. Ben Hummell's lessons helped us to move forward with our lives with a sense of clarity and purpose." -Wayne and Lila

"WOW!!! I am so glad I signed up for this class. For some time now I have been struggling with letting go of my ex-girlfriend. I found myself time and again feeling anger towards her. Hence, in lesson three I found the missing link to letting go...Thank you Ben Hummell for sharing such incredible information. I never looked at things in such a way. Now, I know better and I am committed to be and act differently, so I can truly have the true love I want to have in my life." -Aliza

"This was the perfect course to take while moving through a difficult time in my life. I learned how to create a new future vision for my life." -Rachel

"I'm very grateful for the tools I learned in this course. I know I'll be able to use them again in the future if I should need them!" -Lisa

"After using the skills taught in this course while going through a breakup, I realized how much I had been actually working against myself while trying to move on with my life. Thanks, Ben!" -Wendy

About Ben Hummell
Ben Hummell is in private practice as a licensed marriage and family therapist and a licensed professional counselor. His work focuses on relationships, midlife transitions, and life purpose/life-meaning issues. Ben is an expert in Eastern esoteric meditation practices and has been a spiritual teacher and mentor to spiritual seekers for over 35 years. He is also the creator of a life-skills system that helps his clients and students uncover their individual genius qualities, talents, and life direction. He is a published author, teacher and speaker, and provides online courses and workshops. Ben lives purposefully and peacefully in the Oregon mountains with his family and trusty cat, Alvin.

How Does It Work?
Starting today, you will receive a new lesson every day for 2 weeks (total of 14 lessons). Each lesson is yours to keep and you'll be able to refer back to it whenever you want. And if you miss a lesson or are too busy to get to it that day, each lesson will conveniently remain in your account so you won't have to search for it when you're ready to get back to it.

Free Gift
As a free gift, when you sign up for this course, you will also receive the award-winning DailyOM inspiration newsletter which gives you daily inspirational thoughts for a happy, healthy and fulfilling day. We will also let you know about other courses and offers from DailyOM and Ben Hummell that we think you might be interested in.

Get Started Now
We are offering this course with the option of selecting how much you want to pay. No matter how much you pay, you'll be getting the same course as everybody else. We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the course with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money.

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This is the total amount for all 14 lessons