You may feel impatient and anxious about your long-term goals today. You may feel frustrated that things are not moving as quickly as you'd like, or you might be experiencing obstacles that you aren't sure how to overcome. It may be helpful to spend some time reviewing your plans to see if you are placing too much pressure on yourself. Finding ways to streamline your efforts will allow you to accomplish more with less effort, and you will feel more positive about your progress. At the same time, you might also wish to focus on releasing your expectations today and allowing your success to unfold naturally. By allowing for more flexibility in your plans and not getting stuck on making things happen within a certain time frame, you will feel less frustrated by obstacles and delays.

By releasing our expectations and adopting a relaxed mind-set as we pursue our goals, we are able to proceed calmly and steadily regardless of any challenges that arise. We often get so focused on the outcome we are trying to create that we forget to enjoy the journey along the way. By choosing to let go of our unrealistic expectations and adopt a relaxed attitude and positive mind-set, we learn to see obstacles as welcome challenges and find creative ways to work through them. We can then proceed toward our goals feeling inspired and empowered. By adopting a relaxed mind-set as you pursue your goals today, your frustration will vanish and you can better enjoy the steps that will lead to your success.