You may feel selfless today and seek ways to make a positive contribution to the world. To best express your charitable feelings, you might think about the many ways you can serve others. Perhaps you would like to donate your time and talents to community projects or make a monetary donation to a charitable organization. You might also want to look for ways you can serve as you engage in your usual activities. There may be a coworker who is struggling with a big project who can use your support. You can also offer your time and attention to a friend or family member who might be working through personal issues. Trust your intuition today and go where you feel you are needed.

By choosing to stay aware of how to serve others, we can make a habit of contributing to the world in positive ways. It is often our willingness to serve in smaller ways that enables us to make the most positive contributions to the world. Choosing to develop an awareness of those that might need assistance during our daily travels gives us limitless opportunities to be helpful and allows our efforts to contribute to a larger result. Our continued compassion and care for people will also empower and inspire them to serve others in the same manner and create a community of support that benefits everyone. Making an effort to serve others in small ways today will allow you to express your compassionate, selfless nature and make a positive contribution to the world.