7,534 people have taken this course

Everyone on this planet has a purpose--a reason for being here that goes beyond survival, goes beyond immediate family. We all have a purpose that we are uniquely suited for and which improves ourselves, the lives of others, and the Universe at large. This purpose can lead us towards our best and highest selves and help us leave a legacy behind so that we are known and remembered lovingly after we are gone. Each of us knows there is a purpose to our lives, and yet we can spend a lifetime trying to define what it is.

The Akashic Records holds a record or book for every soul that has ever existed. That book is not only a history of everything the soul has ever done, but is also a guide to the purpose of that soul in this lifetime. It is a record of all the guidance that the soul's spiritual advisers gave during preparation for this life as well as a resource for help along the way and support for succeeding.

Learn why you are here

This course lifts the veil of secrecy on how to access your Soul Book in the Akashic Library including instructions on grounding techniques, a how to guide on creating sacred space wherever you are, audio guided meditations to help you experience the wisdom of your Soul Book, and detailed discussions of how you can achieve the greatest rewards from your readings in order to become the best possible you in this life. Through this course you will learn how to tune into your Soul Book in the Akashic Record and remember exactly who you are and what you are meant to do in this life.

What you will learn in this course:
  • How to navigate in the Akashic Records
  • Creating Sacred Space in your own Space
  • Keeping grounded when all around you is changing
  • Discovering your untapped potential
  • Reviewing your past lives
  • Rediscovering your purpose for this life
  • Accessing the record of your Soul and the wisdom it offers
The Akashics are open to everyone who seeks to find the answers to their questions and to act on what they find. Reading your Soul book will give you the ability to learn why you are here, what the meaning of your life has been so far, what challenges you are here to work through, what expectations you have for yourself, what are your gifts and abilities, what you are to learn, and who you wanted to become. As many questions as you can imagine, there are responses and support in your Soul Book.

What Others are Saying

"I loved this course on DailyOM, it took me in directions which were a total surprise. I liked the guided mediations, getting slowly into what makes for a deeper experience. I have continued to use the meditations to further explore my akashic records. I loved the tree meditation for grounding. Teri's details about the kinds of things one might find in the records also seemed truthful and accurate and I think that it communicated something to that part of me which is seeking this kind of knowledge." - JR

"This course showed me how I was always connected with the source of all past and present knowledge and it gave me the tools to use whenever I want to access that knowledge. I would recommend this course to anybody who wishes to understand how our intuition works, in connection with all there is and how we can open ourselves to receive guidance from the source of all knowledge. Those who want to get aligned with their soul purpose during this lifetime can learn how to ask precise questions and obtain reliable answers." - Lucia

"I finally completed the course this evening. I really enjoyed being back in the Akashic Library, reading my soul book and finding more fascinating insights about my past and my present life. This course provides a voyage of discovery for anyone who wants to delve deeper into their true self." - Lucy

"I am at the 6th week and enjoying reading my soul book. It really helps me to understand the relationships and lessons with my husband, my daughter, and my mother. I saw the agreements with them before we came to this life. The agreements and the intentions are nothing but love, and I am healed by remembering them." - Michiko

"My mind was really rearranged when I started this class. I feel like I've never dipped my toe into the vastness of the Akashic Realm. Then I had my first Akashic reading by Teri. So cool. So helpful. So practical. I thought I might have blown her out with too much background, but nope. Guys, she's the real deal and her desire to help is so palpable." - Sheri

"I've explored the Akashic records before but I was really drawn to taking this class. I'm always humbled at what shows up for us when we journey inward. Thank you for this experience." - Whitney

"Blown away! I have never experienced anything like this. Yesterday something broke inside of me after my meditation. I feel that this depression I have been dealing with has lessened so much." - Douglas

"I have enjoyed the course so far. My guide animal is a very loving coyote! I really enjoyed the Affinities meditation and will try to listen to it every day this week. Thank you for such a wonderful course." - Cris

About Teri Uktena

Premier Akashic reader Teri Uktena has for many years been providing readings and instruction to others in order to advance crucial knowledge of each soul's purpose in the new millennia. Having studied with her elders to learn the medicines, ceremonies, and traditions of her people, Teri has expanded her experiences by studying with elders of other tribes and other cultures finding beauty in their uniqueness and amazement in their wisdom.

Teri Uktena works to help people change their lives, to help them achieve their dreams, find divine purpose, and achieve happiness through Akashic Readings. Her "Weekly Teachings" email newsletters are enjoyed around the world by a steadily growing subscriber base and she hosts the "The Akashic Reading Podcast".

How Does It Work?

Starting today, you will receive a new lesson every week for 8 weeks (total of 8 lessons). Each lesson is yours to keep and you'll be able to refer back to it whenever you want. And if you miss a lesson or are too busy to get to it that day, each lesson will conveniently remain in your account so you won't have to search for it when you're ready to get back to it.

Get Started Now

We are offering this course with the option of selecting how much you want to pay. No matter how much you pay, you'll be getting the same course as everybody else. We simply trust that people are honest and will support the author of the course with whatever they can afford. And if you are not 100% satisfied, we will refund your money.

How much do you want to pay?


This is the total amount for all 8 lessons