You might be hoping for a possible boon, which could make you feel like taking chances or maybe even acting more boldly today. While there are definitely times when you should approach things confidently, if you feel like taking unnecessary risks just for the sake of doing something different or because you think that luck will stand you in good stead, you may want to consider your interior motives more deeply today. Perhaps by asking yourself what you feel when you do something daring--elation, exhilaration, liberation--and then considering what other ways you could bring these elements into your life without gambling on an uncertain future, you could discover a more constructive way to achieve the same ends.

Developing assurance in ourselves from within gives us the confidence we need to take a chance when it is necessary and not simply when we have the desire to wager that our future will change. Although risk-taking can be positive, unless we truly recognize why we are doing so, we are, in fact, engaging in behavior that comes from a place of fear. If we can realize that our actions set the tone for future events, we might notice that betting on something will not be nearly as effective as if we took a more proactive stance and actively worked toward it. Understanding why you take risks today will help you gain insight into what you can work toward in your life to affect positive change.